Common Purpose Leadership programme

The School of Social and Political Sciences, in partnership with Common Purpose, is giving our undergraduate and postgraduate students the opportunity to take part in a three-day experiential programme which will develop your leadership skills and confidence, and give you the chance to meet with business leaders from a range of backgrounds. 

Over the three days of the Future Leaders Experience, you will:

  • Connect to, learn from and share with a diverse mix of peers and local leaders
  • Build vision, skills and confidence to be an effective leader in society
  • Gain a first-hand insight into real life organisational challenges and how to tackle them
  • Gain a greater knowledge of how power works, how decisions are made and how change can be brought about
  • Develop self-awareness, an understanding of leadership in practice and practical skills to aid future careers and activities

As well as the valuable skills you will gain over the three days, participating in the programme will also give you access to the Common Purpose alumni network. Via this you can converse and collaborate with future leaders from across the globe. 

The programme will take place 20 to 22 May 2019, at the University of Glasgow. 

What previous participants have said.....

'This was an amazing opportunity, not only to improve leadership skills and confidence, learn about leaders in different companies in Glasgow, what makes them leaders and many tips on successful implementation of common goal within a company, but also a great chance to meet people who want to improve their skills, self-develop, constantly learn, achieve goals, communicate and make connections for the future.'
Elina Jakovleva,

'This programme has allowed me to develop practical skills within the workplace. As a result of the programme, I have felt more motivated and inspired. I now feel more confident in my abilities as a leader and I feel able to make use of my strengths and work on my weaknesses.'
Heather Thomas

Junaid Butt, a participant on the programme last year, shares how his experience helped him gain employment after graduation. 

Read more on why you should sign up for a Common Purpose Future Leader Experience.

If you would like to be part of this experience please complete the online application form.