Number of items: 40.
Varga, Z.
Composing for the screen, composing for the stage: Hungarian film composers in the interwar period.
In: Barham, J. (ed.)
The Routledge Companion to Global Film Music in the Early Sound Era.
Routledge: London, pp. 306-330.
ISBN 9781138586697
Tappert, S., Mehan, A., Tuominen, P. and Varga, Z.
Citizen participation, digital agency, and urban development.
Urban Planning, 9,
(doi: 10.17645/up.7810)
Varga, Z.
The national, the transnational and literary prestige: revisiting the BOSLIT database.
Bottle Imp, 2023(Suppl9),
Varga, Z.
Bilingual authors, multilingual printing presses and ‘informal capital’: Pest-Buda in the early nineteenth century.
In: Bhattacharya, A., Hibbitt, R. and Sciarutti, L. (eds.)
Literary Capitals in the Long 19th Century: Spaces Beyond the Centres.
Series: Literary urban studies.
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 117-143.
ISBN 9783031130595
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-13060-1_5)
Varga, Z.
Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian cultural studies: 2021-2022.
Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 15,
pp. 205-209.
(doi: 10.5195/ahea.2022.483)
Varga, Z.
Esterházy Péter recepciója Nagy-Britanniában = The reception of Péter Esterházy’s work in Great Britain.
In: Görözdi, J.d. and Balogh, M.d.n. (eds.)
Külországi könyvespolcokon: Tanulmányok Esterházy Péter idegen nyelvű recepciójáról = On International Bookshelves: Essays on the Reception of Péter Esterházy in Foreign Languages.
Reciti Kiadó: Budapest, pp. 97-108.
ISBN 9786156255594
Varga, Z.
Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian cultural studies: 2020-2021.
Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 14,
pp. 205-213.
(doi: 10.5195/ahea.2021.435)
Varga, Z.
The networks of consecration: the journey of Magda Szabó and László Krasznahorkai’s international reputation.
Porównania, 27(2),
pp. 219-233.
(doi: 10.14746/por.2020.2.11)
Varga, Z.
Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian cultural studies: 2019-2020.
Hungarian Cultural Studies, 13,
pp. 195-204.
(doi: 10.5195/ahea.2020.396)
Varga, Z.
Growing up digital: European women’s writing and digital resource development.
In: Balkun, M. M. and Deyrup, M. M. (eds.)
Transformative Digital Humanities: Challenges and Opportunities.
Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 165-175.
ISBN 9780367023751
Varga, Z.
The Buda University Press and national awakenings in Habsburg Austria.
In: Lajosi, K. and Stynen, A. (eds.)
The Matica and Beyond: Cultural Associations and Nationalism in Europe.
Series: National cultivation of culture (21).
Brill: Leiden, pp. 11-29.
ISBN 9789004423749
(doi: 10.1163/9789004425385_003)
Varga, Z.
Reviews in dialogue.
Slavonica, 25(1),
pp. 75-78.
(doi: 10.1080/13617427.2020.1763643)[Book Review]
Varga, Z.
Egy magyar hölgy iratai.
In: Török, Z. (ed.)
Nőszerzők a 19. században: lehetőségek és korlátok = Women writers in the 19th century: Opportunities and Obstacles.
Series: Reciti konferenciakötetek (4).
Reciti: Budapest, pp. 107-121.
ISBN 9786155478765
Varga, Z.
Foreword: 'A Nation Adrift: The 1944-1945 Wartime Diaries of Miksa Fenyő'.
In: Fenyo, M. and Fenyo, M. D. (eds.)
A Nation Adrift: The 1944-1945 Wartime Diaries of Miksa Fenyő.
Helena History Press: St Helena, vii-xxi.
ISBN 9780985943363
Varga, Z.
Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies 2018-2019.
Hungarian Cultural Studies, 12,
pp. 299-309.
(doi: 10.5195/ahea.2019.366)
Varga, Z.
Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2017-2018.
Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 11,
pp. 144-151.
(doi: 10.5195/ahea.2018.328)
Varga, Z.
Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2016-2017.
Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 10,
pp. 173-181.
(doi: 10.5195/ahea.2017.312)
Varga, Z.
Starlets and heart-throbs: Hungarian cinema in the interwar period.
In: Ostrowska, D., Pitassio, F. and Varga, Z. (eds.)
Popular Cinemas in East Central Europe: Film Cultures and Histories.
Series: International Library of the Moving Image.
I.B. Tauris: London, pp. 47-64.
ISBN 9781784533977
Ostrowska, D., Pitassio, F. and Varga, Z. (Eds.)
Popular Cinemas in East Central Europe: Film Cultures and Histories.
I.B. Tauris: London.
ISBN 9781784533977
Szerb, A.
Reflections in the library: Selected Literary Essays 1926-1944.
Series: Studies in Comparative Literature.
Legenda: Modern Humanities Research Association: Oxford.
ISBN 9781781884614
Varga, Z.
The Cinema of István Szabó: Visions of Europe.
Slavonica, 22(1-2),
pp. 98-100.
(doi: 10.1080/13617427.2017.1382675)[Book Review]
Varga, Z.
Selected English-language bibliography of interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2015-2016.
Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 9,
pp. 209-219.
(doi: 10.5195/ahea.2016.246)
Kiséry, A., Komáromy, Z. and Varga, Z. (Eds.)
Worlds of Hungarian Writing: National Literature as Intercultural Exchange.
Fairleight Dickinson University Press.
ISBN 9781611478402
Varga, Z.
The critical reception of Henry James.
In: Hubbard, T. (ed.)
Critical insights: Henry James.
Series: Critical Insights.
Salem Press: Ipswich, Massachusetts, pp. 52-71.
ISBN 9781619258365
Varga, Z.
Emília Kánya: author, editor, educator.
In: Tutavac, V. and Korotin, I. (eds.)
Frauenbildung und Emanzipation in der HabsburgerMonarchie. Der südslawische Raum und seine Wechselwirkung zu Wien, Prag und Budapest.
Praesens: Wien, pp. 214-232.
ISBN 9783706908504
Varga, Z.
Translation, modernisation and the female pen: Hungarian women as literary mediators in
the nineteenth century.
In: Kiséry, A., Komáromy, Z. and Varga, Z. (eds.)
Worlds of Hungarian Writing.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press: Madison, New Jersey, pp. 75-92.
ISBN 9781611478402
Varga, Z.
Noémi Szécsi, 'The Finno-Ugrian Vampire'.
Times Literary Supplement, 2013,
[Book Review]
Bilek, P., Pop, D., Varga, Z. , Zwierzchowski, P., Kisielewska, A. and Culik, J.
National Mythologies in Central European TV Series:
How J.R. Won the Cold War.
Sussex Academic Press: Eastbourne, UK.
ISBN 9781845195960
Varga, Z.
The Szabós and Szomszédok: media serials in Hungary during and after the Kádár regime.
In: Čulík, J. (ed.)
National Mythologies in Central European TV Series: How J.R. Won the Cold War.
Sussex Academic Press: Brighton, pp. 29-47.
ISBN 9781845195960
Varga, Z.
A Transylvanian lady traveller: Polixéna Wesselényi’s travels in Italy and Switzerland (1835).
In: Mihǎilǎ, R. (ed.)
Transnational Identities of Women Writers in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Addleton Academic Publishers: New York, pp. 179-196.
ISBN 9781935494577
Varga, Z.
Schwarz, Agatha, Ed. 'Gender and Modernity in Central Europe: the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and its Legacy'.
Hungarian Cultural Studies Journal, 5,
pp. 465-467.
[Book Review]
Varga, Z.
Digital libraries and area studies: building a portal for travel writing studies.
In: Dobreva, M., O'Dwyer, A. and Feliciati, P. (eds.)
User Studies for Digital Library Development.
Facet Publishing: London, pp. 167-177.
ISBN 9781856047654
Varga, Z.
Stephanie Wolfe Murray.
In: Finkelstein, D. and McCleery, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 273-275.
ISBN 9780748618293
Varga, Z.
Margaret Oliphant and the profession of writing.
In: Bell, B. (ed.)
The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 247-255.
ISBN 9780748617791
Varga, Z.
Two of the legion of sister magazines: Akros and Cencrastus.
In: Finkelstein, D. and McCleery, A. (eds.)
The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK.
ISBN 9780748618293
Varga, Z.
Be there dragons? early travel writing at the Mitchell Library.
In: Renton, J. (ed.)
Magic Afoot.
Series: Textualities (1).
Textualities: Edinburgh, UK.
ISBN 9780955289606
Varga, Z.
Sporadic encounters: Scottish-Portuguese literary contacts.
In: Hubbard, T. and Jack, R.D.S. (eds.)
Scotland in Europe.
Series: Scottish cultural review of language and literature (7).
Rodopi: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
ISBN 9789042021006
Varga, Z.
Tradition and subversion in Imre Kertész's work.
Hungarian Studies, 18(2),
pp. 223-233.
(doi: 10.1556/HStud.18.2004.2.7)
Varga, Z.
Koestler, Morgan and Hungarian émigrés: the reception of Attila József's poetry in Britain.
In: Erdos, K. (ed.)
"Híres vagy, hogyha ezt akartad": József Attila Recepciója Külföldön.
Balassi Institute: Budapest, Hungary.
ISBN 9789632188942
Keenoy, R., Menkis-Ivry, V. and Varga, Z.
The Babel Guide to Hungarian Literature in English Translation.
Series: Babel guides.
Boulevard: London, UK.
ISBN 9781899460854
This list was generated on Thu Jan 16 12:46:00 2025 GMT.