Dr Greti-Iulia Ivana
- Senior Lecturer (Sociological & Cultural Studies)
Dr. Greti-Iulia Ivana is a senior lecturer within the Sociology Subject Area at the University of Glasgow. She is the PhD convenor for Sociology.
A relational sociologist, Dr. Ivana is the author of the book Social Ties in Online Networking (Palgrave 2018), which looks at the links between non-copresence, online communication and bond formation/maintenance.
Some of the main themes in Dr. Ivana's previous work are: negotiations of norms and boundaries in personal ties, physical and relational distance, virtual experiences of togetherness and digitally mediated meaning making. Some of her research has also focused on intra-european migration, highly skilled work, transnational work-life systems and the digitalisation of geographically distant bonds.
Previously, Dr. Ivana was a based at the Department of Sociology in Uppsala University. She holds a PhD with the highest distinction in Information and Knowledge Society from the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC) in Barcelona.
Research interests
Some of my main areas of interest are:
- digital sociology;
- the political economy of digital trace data;
- social studies of technology;
- knowledge, particularly in relation with numbers and quantification;
- emotions;
- informal bonds and intimacy;
- skilled migration;
- sociological biographies;
- social theory (social ontology and phenomenology).
- Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant: 'Settlement or Continued Trajectories of Migration - The case of Young Highly Skilled Europeans in Scotland and Germany' (2021-2022), PI
I am interested in supervising projects within any of my areas of interest listed above.
Current teaching:
- Sociology of Knowledge and Cognition (hons);
- Digital Sociology (hons);
- Practicing Research and Working with Data in the Digital Age (PGT).
Past teaching:
- Gender Relations, postgraduate level
- Postgraduate dissertation workshop
Additional information
Recent presentations
09/2018 “Media consumption and the lived experience of other people’s narratives”, at the ”Dis / connection: Conflicts, Activism and Reciprocity Online and Beyond”, Uppsala University
07/2018 “Migrants’ emotional geographies and the resistance of the material world”, at the 19th Nordic Migration Research Conference 2018, Linköping University, Norrköping Campus
11/2017 “Bonds and Balance in the Lives of Highly Skilled Migrants”, invited talk at CESSMIR, the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees, University of Ghent
09/2017 "Highly Skilled Migration: Social Bonds and Subtle Othering", Postcolonial Studies Association Convention, School of Advanced Study, London, 18–20 September
08/2017 "The Migrant Body and What Makes a Stranger", The European Sociological Association, Athens
11/2015 "Meaning: Between Reflexivity and Emotions", at the “Culture and The Sociology of Knowledge” research colloquium, University of Konstanz
08/2015 "Mediatization: The Socially Constructed Experience of Being Told a Story", The European Sociological Association, Prague