Urban Studies Professor appointed to Grants Assessment Panel

Published: 1 October 2018

Professor Ade Kearns joins Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) for appraising grant proposals.

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has announced its September 2018 membership lists of its Grant Assessment Panels

Panel A sees the School's Professor Ade Kearns from Urban Studies join the composition of Panel A, covering the subject areas of Demography, Environmental Planning, Human Geography, Psychology, and Statistics and Computing and Methodologies.

Panel membership is drawn from all areas of the social sciences and eligibility criteria is based on level of expertise, and research track record in their field.  

Also successfully appointed to a panel membership is College of Social Sciences colleague Professor Sabina Siebert, who is on Panel C, which looks at applications in fields such as Political Science and International Relations, Social Policy, and Management and Business Studies.

Academic panel members bring their expertise into the assessment of proposals and are normally appointed initially for two years, with probability of a two-year renewal.



First published: 1 October 2018

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