Research capacity strengthening workshop

Published: 17 September 2018

Researchers attended a two-week workshop on sustainable, healthy and learning cities and neighbourhoods.

 SHLC workshop attendees


More than 40 researchers from 10 different countries worked on developing essential research and understanding skills at a two-week long capacity strengthening workshop.

As part of the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC) our School hosted 30 different workshops and training sessions on a range of topics. 

The event also aimed to build a network of urban researchers in fast growing developing countries, to share their own unique knowledge and experiences.

Professor Mike Osborne, Capacity Strengthening Lead for SHLC said:

‘SHLC in large part is about the strengthening the research capacity of researchers not only in the global south, but also in the UK. It is also about the creation of next generation researchers in the field of sustainable urban development. It is clearly evident that the participants learnt a lot, but also contributed much from which we can all learn.' 

Read more about the workshop on the SHLC website.

First published: 17 September 2018

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