Welcome to Fraser McMillan!

Published: 13 March 2018

Fraser joins the School as the new John Smith Centre Research Associate

We are pleased to welcome Fraser McMillan, who will join the School as a John Smith Centre Research Associate. He will work with Professor Christopher Carman on a 'The Public Understanding of Public Service' project, which aims to develop a robust academic definition of the concept and contribute to the scholarly understanding of what public service means to citizens. The project will involve a comprehensive interdisciplinary review of existing literature on the topic followed by the development of a survey. Fraser will contribute to all aspects of the project and its research outputs, as well as the activities of the John Smith Centre.

Fraser is the recipient of a Carnegie-Caledonian PhD studentship and is studying at the University of Strathclyde. His thesis is titled 'Approaches to the programme-to-policy linkage: party competition and government action' and contributes to an emerging field of scholarship on the relationship between political parties' campaign promises and subsequent government policy. His other research interests include party competition, campaign pledges, Scottish devolution and computerised text analysis.


First published: 13 March 2018

<< 2018