The UofG Upskilling project

Published: 15 June 2021

The UofG Upskilling Project is delighted to launch it’s first data-focussed course and first ever course from the School of Psychology and Neuroscience: Applied Data Skills for processing and presenting data

 The UofG Upskilling Project is delighted to launch it’s first data-focussed course and first ever course from the School of Psychology: Applied Data Skills for processing and presenting data. This new, fully-online, 10 Credit Microcredential, designed by Emily Nordmann and Lisa Debruine, is now open for registration.  

Through the Upskilling Project, Scottish-domiciled learners can access a fully-funded place (worth £799) for free onto the course, as part of the strategy to ensure that those in most need of upskilling/reskilling/improving their employability can access the provision they need.  

It’s anticipated that there will be high demand for this course from multiple industries and professions, as well as the international market who can purchase places on the course alongside the funded learners. There is also 20% discount available for NHS, Civil Service and Third Sector learners. 

The course will commence on 24th January. You can find more information about the course and sign up to join it here. 

Course link: 


First published: 15 June 2021