You can find our book series in a good library near you, or you can purchase a copy from our distributors, Librairie Droz.

1. Emblems and Art History

Nine Essays edited by Alison Adams, assisted by Laurence Grove 

1996, VI-202 p., 76 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-574-4 

Table of Contents: Judi Loach: Architecture and Emblematics: Issues in Interpretation; Laurence Grove: La Fontaine, Emblematics and the Plastic Arts: Les Amours de Psyché and Le Songe de Vaux; Claire Pace: ‘La Vie des champs est la vie des héros: Images of Landscape and Rural Life and Gomberville’s La Doctrine des moeurs; Judith Dundas: Emblems on the Art of Painting: Pictura and Purpose; Agnès Guiderdoni-Bruslé: La Polysémie des figures dans l’emblématique sacrée; Joanna A. Tomicka: Ovidian Metamorphoses of the Queen of Sins; Lubomír Konecny: Ein emblematisches Portrait aus Nürnberg; Eirwen E.C. Nicholson: Emblem v. Caricature: a Tenacious Conceptual Framework; Michael Bath and Betty Willsher: Emblems from Quarles on Scottish Gravestones. 

2. Emblems and the Manuscript Tradition

Including an Edition and Studies of a newly Discovered Manuscript of Poetry by Tristan l’Hermite Volume edited by Laurence Grove 

1997, X-192 p., 45 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-630-7 

Table of Contents: Daniel Russell: Thoughts on a Newly Discovered Manuscript Version of Gomberville’s Doctrine des Moeurs (1646); Alison Saunders: Whose intellectual property? The Liber Fortunae of Jean Cousin, Imbert d’Anlézy or Ludovic Lalanne?; Sandra Sider: Luís Nunes Tinoco’s Architectural Emblematic Imagery in Seventeenth-Century Portugal: Making a Name for a Palatine Princess; Gillian Wright: The Growth of an Emblem: Some Contexts for Bodleian Library MS Ashmole 767; Laurence Grove: Glasgow University Library SMAdd.392: an Introduction; Stephen Rawles: The Bibliographical Context of Glasgow University Library SMAdd.392: a Preliminary Analysis; Alison Adams: Manuscript Texts from Glasgow University Library SMAdd.392; Alison Adams: Glasgow University Library SMAdd.392 and the Printed Versions of Tristan l’Hermite’s Poetry; Laurence Grove: Tristan l’HermiteEmblematics and Early Modern Reading Practices in the Light of Glasgow University Library SMAdd.392. 

3. Emblems and Alchemy

Volume edited by Alison Adams and Stanton J. Linden 

1998, VI-218 p., 62 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-680-2 

Table of Contents: Theoretical Perspectives: Bernhard F. Scholz: Alchemy, Metallurgy and Emblematics in the Works of the Seventeenth -Century Dutch ‘Bergmeester’ Goossen van Vreeswijck (1626 -after 1689); M. E. Warlick: The Domestic Alchemist: Women as Housewives in Alchemical Emblem; György E. Szonyi: Architectural Symbolism and Fantasy Landscapes in Alchemical and Occult Discourse: Revelatory Images. The English  

Alchemists: Stanton J. Linden: The Ripley Scrolls and The Compound of AlchymyLyndy Abraham: Edward Kelly’s Hieroglyph; Stephen Clucas: ‘Non est legendum sed inspicendum solum’: Inspectival knowledge and the visual logic of John Dee’s Liber Mysteriorum; Peggy Muñoz Simonds: ‘Love is a spirit all compact of fire’: Alchemical Coniunctio in Venus and Adonis; Paul Cheshire: Milton’s Use of Lunar Imagery in Paradise LostContinental Manifestations: Ilana Zinguer: Les frontispices embléma-tiques: intentions de Béroalde de Verville; Susan Sirc: Alchemy, Alchemical Emblems and Goethe’s Novel Die Wahlverwandtschaften. 

4. New Directions in Emblem Studies

Volume edited by Amy Wygant 

1999, XIV-154 p., 36 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-692-5 

Table of Contents: Rüdiger Campe: Questions of Emblematic Evidence: Phaeton’s Disaster, with Reference to Pierre Legendre’s Theory of Emblems; Milad Doueihi: Apertum Pectus: Emblems of the Heart and the Secrets of Interiority; Laurence Grove: Visual Cultures, National Visions: the Ninth Art of France; Leonard Hinds: From Emblem to Portrait: Early Modern Notions of Selfhood in Novels by Honoré d’Urfé and Charles Sorel; Rainer Nägele: The Laughing Tear: Constructions of Allegory in Modernism; Karen Pinkus: Emblematic Time; M. E. Warlick: Art, Allegory and Alchemy in Peter Greenaway’s Prospero’s Books; Amy Wygant: Poppea and the Goddess Fortuna in Music. 

5. The German-Language Emblem in its European Context: Exchange and Transmission

Volume edited by Anthony J. Harper and Ingrid Höpel 

2000, VI-186 p., 44 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-730-4 

Table of Contents: Paulette Choné: Lorraine and Germany; Mara R. Wade: Emblems in Scandinavia; Éva Knapp and Gábor Tüskés: German-Hungarian Relations in Literary Emblematics; Johannes Köhler: Über einen politischen Aspekt der Augsburger Erstausgabe der Embleme von Andrea Alciato; Anthony J. Harper: Zincgref’s Emblem-book of 1619: Local and European Significance; Ingrid Höpel: Aktualisieriung und Assimilierung einer Manuskript-VorlageDie Dreiständigen Sinnbilder; Sabine MödersheimTägliches Hertzens Opfer (Wolfenbüttel 1686): Henning Wedemanns Emblemtafeln zu Savonarolas Meditationen über den 51. Psalm; Ojars Sparitis: An iconological interpretation of the cycle of emblematic paintings in the church at Gaiki in Courland; Lubomír Konecny: Tracking Rollenhagen in Prague. 

6. An interregnum of the Sign: The Emblematic Age in France

Essays in Honour of Daniel S. Russel Volume edited by David Graham 

2001, XX-252 p., 74 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-748-9 

Table of Contents: Gisèle Mathieu-Castellani: Les Emblèmes du celer dans Délie; Alison Adams: Reading Georgette de Montenay; Alison Saunders: ‘Quis, quid, ubiquibus auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando?’ or: The curious case of Pierre Coustau’s Pegma; Stephen Rawles: Layout, Typography and Chronology in Chrétien Wechel’s Editions of Alciato; David Graham: Topical Political and Religious Content in French Emblem Books; Laurence Grove: ‘Pour faire tapisserie’? / Moveable Woodcuts: Print/manuscript, text/image at the birth of the emblem; Michael J. Giordano: The Blason Anatomique and Related Fields: Emblematics, Nominalism, Mannerism, and Descriptive Anatomy as Illustrated by Maurice Scève’s Blason de la Gorge; Judi Loach: On Words and Walls; Paulette Choné: Pierre Woeiriot ou la pensée du simulacre; Anne-Elisabeth Spica: L’emblématique catholique de dévotion en France au XVIIe siècle: Quelques propositions de lecture; Agnès Guiderdoni Bruslé: Les formes emblématiques de «l’humanisme dévot»: Une lecture du Catéchisme royal (1607) de Louis Richeome, S. J. 

7. Portraicts des SS. Vertus de la Vierge contemplées par feue S. A. S. M. Isabelle Clere Eugenie Infante d’Espagne

A facsimile edition with critical introduction by Cordula van Wyhe 

2002, XLII-172-xii p., 44 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-768-7 

The devotional emblem book by Jean Terrier, a lawyer and councillor from the Habsburg-dominated Franche-Comté, published in 1635, was conceived from the outset to be more than an aid to pious meditation. It was primarily meant as a political statement. Terrier’s emblem book is a visualisation of the thirty-four biblical synonyms of the Litany of the Virgin. Each image depicts the Infanta Isabella, regent of the Habsburg Netherlands from 1599-1633, accompanied by her ladies-in-waiting in adoration of the Virgin’s virtues. Terrier’s work is a unique of how royal encomium mingled with the genre of a devotional emblem book. The extensive introduction and annotations to this facsimile edition reveal the complex political motives behind its production and their formulation through ideal representation of the Infanta and her court ladies in each emblem. This publication will be of interest both to scholars of emblem literature, and to students of the Habsburg Netherlands in general, and the role of women in European court in particular. Includes: Translation of the Lemma and Subscriptio of each Emblem; Professions of Young Women affiliated to the Court into Convents of Reformed Orders. Indexes of Motifs, Themes, and Names and Places. 

8. Emblems of the low Countries: A Book Historical perspective

Volume edited by Alison Adams and Marleen van der Weij 

2003, X-186 p., 30 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-785-4 

Table of Contents: Bart Westerweel: On the European Dimension of Dutch Emblem Production; Margit Thøfner: Making a Chimera: Invention, Collaboration and the Production of Otto Vaenius’s Emblemata Horatiana; Tina Montone: ‘Dolce ire, dolci sdegni, e dolci paci’: The Role of the Italian Collaborator in the Making of Otto Vaenius’s Amorum emblemata (1608); Arnoud Visser: Why did Christopher Plantin Publish Emblem Books?; Paul Hoftijzer: Emblem Books in Leiden; Esther Mourits: Emblem Books in the Library of Joannes Thysius (1622-1653); Marleen van der Weij: ‘A Good Man, Burgher and Christian’: the intended reader in Johan de Brune’s Emblemata; Karl Enenkel: Florentius Schoonhovius’s Emblemata partim moraliapartim etiam civilia: Text and Paratext; Paul J. Smith: Dispositio in the Emblematic Fable Books of the Gheeraerts Filiation (1567-1617); Peter Davidson: Paper Gardens: Garden Ideas and Garden Poems in Scotland and the Netherlands in the Seventeenth Century. 

9. Flore au Paradis: Emblématique et vie religieuse aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles.

Présentation de Paulette Choné et Bénédicte Gaulard 

2004, VIII-232 p., 49 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-809-7 

Table of Contents: I: Les Jardins Symboliques: Exégèse et Histoire: Virginie Ortega-Tillier: Palmier, figuierarbre au fruit défendu. Remarques sur la représentation de la flore édénique; Claude-Françoise Brunon: Du potager au Paradis: le jardin symbolique de Giulio Cesare Capaccio (Delle Imprese, 1592, livre II, ch. 67 à 86); Judi Loach Le jardin céleste de Racconigi: la conception et l’usage d’un jardin d’apparence laïque de la Contre-Réforme. II: La Flore et l’Expérience Religieuse: Itinéraires: Bénédicte Gaulard: Flora et BorgognaPeinturespiritualité et mystique en Franche-Comté au XVIIe siècle; Emilia Montaner: Les images végétales dans les emblèmes consacrés à la Vierge Marie; Christian Bouzy: Dites-le avec des emblèmesmythessymboles et botanique dans les Lettres espagnoles au Siècle d’Or; Ralph Dekoninck: ‘Chercher et trouver Dieu en toutes choses’: méditation et contemplation florale jésuite. III: Les Emblèmes FlorauxInterprétation Anne Rolet: La pluie de fleurs dans les Symbolicae Quaestiones d’Achille Bocchi, entre spiritualité religieuse et éloquence encomiastique; François Quiviger: Fleurs éparpillées dans deux tableaux du Cinquecento vénitien. Essai d’iconographie olfactive; Valérie Hayaert: La fleur de Rhododaphné et le péril de l’exégèse biblique selon Pierre Coustau (1555); Stéphane Rolet: Une Hieroglyphicomachia végétale: la succession des papes Léon X, Adrien VI, et Clément VII dans les Hieroglyphica (1556) de Pierio Valeriano; Paulette Choné: La prière de l’héliotrope. 

10. Emblematic Tendencies in the The Art and Literature of the Twentieth Century

Edited by Anthony J. Harper, Ingrid Höpel and Susan Sirc 

2005, XXXII-192 p., 80 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-821-9 

Table of Contents: Roger Paulin: Anthony J. Harper: An Appreciation; Publications of Anthony J. Harper; Anthony J. Harper, Ingrid Höpel and Susan Sirc: Introduction; Ulrich Kuder: Die Wiederkehr des Emblems in der Moderne; Clare A. P. Willsdon: Aspects of Klimt’s Landscapes and the Emblem Tradition; Jochen Becker: Affenhand und Fotoauge: Zu El Lissitzkys Selbstbildnis - Der Konstrukteur (1924); Paulette Choné: 3000 emblèmes d’amour: Krazy Kat de George Herriman (1913-1944); Anthony J. Harper: Notes on Two Emblematic Twentieth-Century Works; Michael Bath: Mobilising the Gap: Hamilton Finlay’s Inheritence; Susan Sirc: A Serious Game with the Art of Memory: Emblematic Tendencies in ‘A Lamia in the Cévennes’ by A. S. Byatt; Ingrid HöpelDie Sprache der Dinge — Emblematik und digitale Medienkunst; Laurence Grove: Multi-Media Emblems and their Modern-Day Counterparts. 

100. Special number: Visual Words and Verbal Pictures: Essays in honour of Michael Bath

Volume edited by Alison Sanders and Peter Davidson 

2005, XXXII-224 p.,47 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-814-1 

Table of Contents: Alison Saunders and Peter Davidson: Introduction; Peter Davidson: Decoding Scotland: a Sketch for a Professional Biography of Michael Bath; Stephen Rawles: Michael Bath: Publications; Alison Adams: New Light on the 1691 Edition of Claude-François Menestrier’s Histoire du Roy Louis le Grand; Dieter BitterliImago Sancti Judoci: an Unknown Cycle of Applied Emblems in Central Switzerland; Peter Daly: The Political Intertextuality of Whitney’s Concluding Emblem; Peter Davidson: Mute Emblems and a Lost Room: Gardyne’s House, Dundee; David Graham: Pictures Speaking, Pictures Spoken to: Guillaume de la Perrière and Emblematic ‘Illustration’; Laurence Grove: Emblems with Speech Bubbles; Judi Loach: Walls that Speak through Words and Images: The Boston Public Library; Karel Porteman: La Paix douze fois représentée. Les punkten poétiques au landjuweel anversois (1561); Daniel Russell: Wives and Widows: the Emblematics of Marriage and Mourning in France at the End of the Renaissance; Jane Stevenson: The Emblem Book of Margareta Godewijk (1627-1677); Marc van Vaeck: Moral Emblems Adorned with Rhymes: Anna Roemers Visscher’s Adaptation (1620) of Roemer Visscher’s Sinnepoppen (1614). 

11. The Emblem in Scandinavia and the Baltic

Volume edited by Simon McKneown and Mara R. Wade 

2006, XXVI-342 p., 115 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-822-6 

Table of Contents: Henrik von Achen: Visions of the Invisible: Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century Emblems in Norway; Carsten Bach-Nielsen: Emblematics in Denmark; Elita GrosmaneEmblematics and the Phenomenon of Emblematics in the Art of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Latvia; Allan Ellenius: Johannes Schefferus, Christina Minerva, and Fortuna Audax: A Study in Political Emblematics; Hans-Olof Boström: Love Emblems at the Swedish Baroque Castles of Ekholmen and Venngarn; Simon McKeown: Johann Joachim Zeuner’s Emblematic Manuscript for Carl Gustaf Wrangel: Swedish Pomeranian Political Symbology and its Legacy; Lena Rangström: Partisans with Pictures; Julian Vasquez: Schering Rosenhane’s Emblematic Programme in the Light of Queen Christina’s Political Conduct and Diego de Saavedra Fajardo’s Empresas; Mara R. Wade: Sebald Meinhard’s Liturgical Emblems in Danzig; Ojars Sparitis: Dominican Pedagogy in the Emblematic Ceiling Paintings of the Parsiene Church, Latvia; Marcin Wislocki: From Emblem Books to Ecclesiastical Space: Emblems and Quasi-Emblems in Protestant Churches on the Southern Coast of the Baltic Sea and their Devotional Background; Sabine MödersheimTheologia Cordis: Daniel Cramer’s Emblemata Sacra in Northern European Architecture. 

12. The Italian Emblem. A Collection of Essays

Volume edited by Donato Mansueto and Elena Laura Calogero 

2008, XII-212 p., 73 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-832-5 

The Italian Emblem. A Collection of Essays is the twelfth in the series Glasgow Emblem Studies. This volume is linked to a project for the study and digitization of Italian emblem books held in the Stirling Maxwell Collection (Glasgow), financed by the Sixth EU Framework Programme for activities in the field of research. It aims at exploring the history, forms, themes of the Italian emblem tradition, with particular attention to sixteenth-century emblem books and their open, multifaceted, and metamorphic nature. To capture this nature, the volume includes contributions from different disciplines, ranging from literature to history of art and political philosophy, supplied by the following Calabritto (Hunter College, CUNY), Giuseppe Cascione (University of Bari), Sonia Maffei (University of Bergamo), Anna Maranini (University of Bologna), Liana de Girolami Cheney (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Silvia Volterrani (CTL-Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa). 

13. Mosaics of Meaning Studies in Portuguese Emblematics

Volume edited by Luís Gomes 

2009, XII-188 p., 42 ill., ISBN 978-0-85261-842-4 

This volume examines, in English, the role of emblems in the Portuguese-speaking world, their distinctive qualities and their links with the wider European tradition. Luís Gomes brings together studies ranging over a wide corpus of material, in both Portugal and Brazil, from manuscripts to printed books to the famous Azulejos. Table of Contents: Rubem Amaral Jr.: Portuguese emblematics: an overview; Nigel Griffin: Enigmas, Riddles, and emblems in early Jesuit colleges; Luís Gomes: Vasco Mousinho de Quevedo Castelo Branco: emblems in Portuguese; Isabel Almeida: Alciato in Parnassus: emblematic elements in Vieira's Sermões; Maria Helena de Teves Costa Ureña Prieto: The Manuscript Príncipe Perfeito: emblemas de D. João de Salórzano by Francisco António de Novaes Campos; Luís de Moural Sobral: ‘Occasio’ and ‘Fortuna’ in Portuguese art of the Renaissance and the Baroque: a preliminary investigation; José Julio García Arranz: Azulejos and emblematics in eighteenth- century Portugal: the hieroglyphic programmes of Masters António and Policarpo de Oliveira Bernardes; Luís de Moural Sobral: The emblem book collection of Diogo Barbosa Machado (1682-1772). 

14. Transmigrations: essays in honour of Alison Adams and Stephen Rawles

Volume edited by Laurence Grove and Alison Saunders; with Luís Gomes 

2011, XXI-225 p., 64 ill., ISBN 978-0-852-61931-5 

Table of Contents: Laurence Grove and Alison Saunders, Introduction: Transmigrations; Noël Peacock: Alison Adams and Stephen Rawles: A Biographical Note; Julie Makinson: Alison Adams and Stephen A Bibliography of Publications; Mara R. Wade: Emblems in Context: From the Early-Modern to the Post-Modern; Peter Boot: What is Next in Digital Emblem Studies?; Pedro F. Campa: Old Revival and Later Survival: The Religious Emblem Book; David Graham: ‘Born Under a Bad Sign’: Semiotics of Gender in French Emblem Books; Paulette Choné: À Propos d’une planche des Archetypa de Hoefnagel et d’un «estrange poisson»; Ralphe Dekoninck: Imaginer la science: La Culture emblématique jésuite entre Ars rhetorica et Scientia imaginum; Judi Loach: Lions with Palms, Lilies or a Leash; Arnoud Visser: Scholars in the Picture: The Representation of Intellectuals in Emblems and Medalsn; Simon McKeown: Contemplating Work in Retirement: The Emblematic Ceilings at Stora Lassåna and Spökslottetn; Michael Bath: The City of Dames Tapestries: Building the Housen; Daniel Russell: Emblems, Illustration and Memory. 

15. Otto Vaenius and his Emblem Books

Volume edited by Simon McKeown 

2012, XXXVI-316 p., 186 ill., ISBN 978-0-852-61932-2 

Otto Vaenius (1556-1629) was one of the outstanding cultural figures of the Low Countries at the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries. Admired as an erudite painter and writer who moved in intellectually elite circles, Vaenius is known to posterity as Peter Paul Rubens’s most influential teacher. He is also esteemed by scholars of the emblem as perhaps the most inventive and influential practitioner of the form in the seventeenth century and his triumvirate of books, the Emblemata Horatiana (1607), Amorum Emblemata (1608) and Amoris Divini Emblemata(1615) inspired a host of imitations and adaptations in both print and wider material culture. This collection of essays seeks to approach Vaenius’s work in the bimedial sphere from a more pan-optic perspective than has been traditional hitherto, giving full consideration to his canonical emblem books, but exploring, too, his experiments with word and image in a range of less familiar works. These publications, which may be justly described as ‘para-emblematic’, include Vaenius’s hagiographical life of Thomas Aquinas, his graphic series on a medieval Spanish legend, a compendium of medallic reverses, and a mysterious treatise on predestination and free will. Consequently, this volume, the first in English or any other language to be devoted to Vaenius’s wider publishing career, considerably broadens the contextual framework within which this centrally important writer and artist should be read and understood. 

16. Hieroglyphs, Speaking Pictures, and the Law: The Context of Alciato's Emblems

Volume edited by Denis L. Drysdall, Preface by Jean Michel Massing 

2013, X-318 p., 5 ill., ISBN 978-0-852-61935-3 

Table of Contents: Michel Massing: Preface; Andrea Alcialo: Pater et Princeps; Andrea Alciato: In Bifum: the Budding Humanist; The Emblems in Two Unnoticed Items of Alciato’s Correspondence; symbolism: Authorities for Symbolism in the Sixteenth Century; The Hieroglyphs at Bologna; Filippo Fasanini and his ‘Explanation of Sacred Leffers’; Devices as ‘Emblems’ before 1531; An Early Use of Devices: René Bertaut de la Grise, La Penitence damourBudé and Bocchi on Symbols; The Emblem according to the Italian Impresa Theorists; Gavino Sambigucio and his Interpretation of Achille Bocchi’s ‘Hermathena’; education: Self-Analysis al/d Self-Awareness: Alciato’s Advice to his Students; Defence and Illustration of the German Language: Wolfgang Hunger’s Preface to Alciato’s Emblems; Barthélemy Aneau: the Profitable and the Polemical; Presence and Absence of Ramus in Mignault’s Emblematics and Poetics; law: Alciato and the Grammarians: the Law and the Humanities in the Parergoniuris libri duodecim; A Lawyer’s Language Theory. Alciato’s De verborum significatione; ‘The Good have Nothing to Fear from the Rich.’ Did Alciato really believe that?; Hercules Prince of Bastards. 

17: The Art of Persuasion: Emblems and Propaganda

Edited by Christine McCall Probes and Sabine Mödersheim 

2014, XIV-210p., 99 ill, ISBN 978-0-852-61940-7 

Examining emblems of propaganda from Renaissance texts and images to 20th and 21st century mass media and slogans related to political ideologies, this collection brings together innovative interdisciplinary studies by scholars from Europe and North America. Providing new dimensions to the scholarly discussion on the interplay between aesthetic forms and persuasion, the essays demonstrate how propaganda, the dissemination or promotion of an idea or practice, promulgates zealously knowledge and principles, often transculturally and across generations. Applying methodologies such as comparative analysis, semiotics, rhetorical criticism, reception theory, and visual anthropology, The Art of Persuasion: Emblems and Propaganda will be of interest to students and scholars of history, art history, the history of the book, political thought, communication, the art of war, and religion. 

Table of Contents: the art of war: Donato Mansueto: Ars Gemina. On Emblems, Flags and Political Communication; Simon McKeown: Taking Emblems from the Enemy: Themes and Motifs on Captured Military Colours, Standards and Pennons in the Swedish State Trophy Collection; religious persuasion: Christine McCall Probes: ‘Pource faire cognoistre ici bas en tout lieu’: Zealously Advancing God’s Truth through Key Theophanies and Anthropomorphisms, Georgette de Montenay’s Emblemes ou devises chrestiennes; Alison Saunders: Visitandine Manuscript Propaganda for the Canonisation of St François de Sales?; propaganda, advertising, dissemination: Justyna Killianczyk-Zieba: “Mens immota manet”: A Polish Application of an Emblematic Commonplace; Zsuzsa Barbarics-Hermanik: The Visual in Transcultural Exchange: Emblems, Propaganda, and the Ottomans; Sabine Mödersheim: Emblems and the Laterna Magicamodern propaganda: Pierre-Paul Grégorio: La presse espagnole et l'inauguration du Valle de los Caídosune paradoxale exaltation du passé comme emblème d'avenir; Valérie Hayart: Grammaire tunisienne: The Emblems of Freedom. 

18. Emblems in Colonial Ibero-America: To the New World on the Ship of Theseus

Edited by Pedro Germano Leal, with Rubem Amaral Jr. 

2017, X-381p., 104 ill, ISBN 978-0-852-61954-4 

Pedro Germano Leal: To the New World, on the Ship of Theseus: An Introductory Essay to Emblems in Colonial Ibero-America; emblems in the viceroyalty of new spain: Víctor Mínguez: Emblems for a Caesar, Hieroglyphs for an Empire: Emblem Culture in the Viceroyalty of New Spain; Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya: Tears of the Inquisition. Emblematics of the Tribunal of the Holy Office in the Royal Exequies in Mexico; Rocío Olivares-Zorrilla: The Emblems in the Neptuno Alegórico by Sor Juana; emblems in the viceroyalty of peru: José Júlio García Arranz: An Approach to the Emblematic and Allegorical Culture in the Viceroyalty of Peru; Ricardo Estabridis Cárdenas: Jesuit Emblem Culture in a House of Spiritual Exercises for Limean Ladies; Carme López Calderón: The Wide and Narrow Path: The Cell of Father Salamanca (Cuzco) in the Light of Drexel’s Gymnasium Patientiaeemblems in portuguese america: Rubem Amaral Jr.: Emblems in Brazil: A Preliminary Survey; Renata Maria de Almeida Martins: The Emblem Tradition in the Colonial Amazon Region: Books and Paintings in the Jesuit Missions of Grão-Pará; Filipa Araújo: ‘Praesenti Tibi matures largimur honores’: the Emblematic Devices conceived for the Brazilian Festivities in Honour of João VI. 

General EditorLaurence Grove

Assistant General EditorAlison AdamsLuis Gomes

Address for all editorial matters:
Centre for Emblem Studies, Hetherington Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8RS, Scotland.

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