BALEAP Conference: Exploring pedagogical approaches in EAP teaching

BALEAP Conference: Exploring pedagogical approaches in EAP teaching

College of Arts School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Date: Tuesday 06 April 2021 - Saturday 10 April 2021
Time: 8:00
Venue: online
Category: Conferences

Some of the questions we are hoping to explore include:

  • What does teaching EAP involve and how do we research it?
  • What does it mean to teach EAP in different contexts?
  • Have we got a shared understanding of this, if indeed this is possible?
  • Does EAP have a signature pedagogy?
  • How do we support teachers in their development?
  • How do we enhance and assure quality in EAP teaching?
  • How do our pedagogies inform and respond to current issues in higher education, such as the increasing attention on teaching, transnational education and massification and use of technologies?

The conference will feature a range of events including those for the new BALEAP SIGs, distinguished international plenary speakers, panel discussions and symposia, individual paper and poster presentations, workshops, lightning talks, BALEAP’s signature Pecha Kucha session and other informal networking events. Visit our website for more info.

We hope you can join us!

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