Feedback to Students

Feedback to studentsA document management system is in place requiring students to submit written work to a secure server at the end of the module. SSC Supervisors can access this work via the website, but students are also asked to submit a hard copy of their written work to their Supervisor. This offers the opportunity to provide students with feedback by return of their annotated written work after assessment. However, if a Fail grade has been awarded, the original written work should be forwarded to the SSC Office, as will be required for evaluation by the External Examiner.

Students should also be offered feedback about their performance during the module by SSC supervisors using the Comments section on the assessment SSC Marking Scheme for Written Feedback Schedule A (Uni Code of Assessment). This section must be completed if a Fail grade has been awarded, to assist the External Examiners. Fail grades will be made available for inspection by the External Examiners, along with a selection of other grades.

Both verbal and written supervisors feedback to students is strongly encouraged. Also students are encouraged to add all written comments to their e-portfolio.