A New Way to Determine Where Your Students Are Struggling

Published: 2 July 2018

Robert McKerlie, Lecturer in Dental Technology has been interviewed by Jon Bergmann, who is a pioneer of the Flipped Class method of teaching and co-founder of The Flipped Learning Network. The interview, on the topic of a recent paper Mr McKerlie co-authored on student learning, has been broadcast on Bam! Radio.

Robert McKerlie

In 2015 Glasgow Dental School introduced a new Special Study Module in E-Learning for BDS 5 students. The students identified an area of the curriculum for which they felt an e-learning package would help to support learning for BDS students and then worked with academic staff and a Learning Technologist to develop and deliver a suitable product. 

A staff-student presentation on the project won First Prize at the 2016 University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference. A paper describing the initiative, entitled ‘Facilitation of student-staff partnership in development of digital learning tools through a special study module’ has recently been published in the International Journal for Students as Partners (https://mulpress.mcmaster.ca/ijsap/article/view/3235). 

The paper reached number one in “The Top Ten Must Read Research Papers in June” feature of the June issue of “The Flipped Learning 3.0 Magazine (http://flr.flglobal.org/?p=9221).

In addition, Robert McKerlie has been interviewed by Jon Bergmann, who is a pioneer of the Flipped Class method of teaching and co-founder of The Flipped Learning Network. The interview has been broadcast on Bam! Radio and can be accessed here (http://www.bamradionetwork.com/the-flip-side-with-jon-bergmann/4762-a-new-way-to-determine-where-your-students-are-struggling)

First published: 2 July 2018