The Glasgow University Bar and Advocacy Society (GUBAS)

The Glasgow University Bar and Advocacy Society (GUBAS) works to raise awareness and promote the complex route to the Bar, which alongside the solicitor route is one of the most favourable routes for law students to take post graduation. GUBAS was set up with the idea that many students don’t necessarily understand the complex route to the Bar or Advocacy and to make a very traditional and old-fashioned process far more accessible to students at the School of Law. We work with the School to promote awareness of the Bar/Advocacy and put on events such as panel discussions and Q&A sessions with those already in the field to make the process more transparent for all.

Throughout the year, alongside our talks, discussion panels and Q&A sessions, we will be running networking events, collaboration events, and mock court trials to give students a real insight into the working life as an Advocate/Barrister. There is an equal focus on both Common Law and Scots Law students and opportunities and information are always catered towards both. Joining GUBAS is not all academia though! We have many socials throughout the year so that you can make friends with those pursuing the same goals as you are and we hope we will inspire some people to look beyond the traditional route!


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