Student Testimonies

Representing your university at the Vis Moot can be a challenging experience: it requires long working hours, rigorous academic study and self-discipline. Nevertheless, it could turn out to be one of the best experiences of your time as a Glasgow student.

Read the testimonies of some of Glasgow’s former Vis Moot participants below.

What motivated you to apply to the Vis Moot?

“My principle motivations were my interest in mooting and employability. The Vis Moot is the leading international commercial moot and one of the most highly respected mooting competitions in the world. I knew I had an interest in mooting, however my LLB honours courses focused solely on public law, so working in the field of international sales and arbitration posed a new challenge. A challenge I knew that employers would appreciate.”
―Mr Joseph Finnerty, Diploma student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018) 

“Before commencing 4th year I had not secured a training contract so I was vitally interested in adding something to my CV which would make me stand out from other applicants. While I had made the most of Glasgow Law School's other practical internships and had volunteered as an advisor with Citizen's Advice and undertaken other legal voluntary work, none had been in a commercial sphere and therefore I was struggling to get interviews with commercial law firms.”
―Ms Christy Foster, 4th year student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018) 

“I was drawn to the Vis Moot because I was interested in arbitration. The moot courts offered at Glasgow were all court based.”
―Ms Isla Neil, 3rd year student representing Radboud University Nijmegen at the 23rd Vis Moot (2016) 

"I applied for the Vis Moot because I wanted to learn more about international law as I am interested in pursuing a career in this field. I was also keen to learn more about arbitration and to gain experience mooting internationally."
―Ms Grace Cameron, Diploma student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018) 

“One of my main motivations and goals for my postgraduate studies abroad was gaining a lot of international experiences. I thought the Vis Moot would be a good opportunity to realise that. […] The topic of the Vis Moot was very appealing to me although I had no knowledge of it beforehand. In addition, I also considered that being part of the Glasgow Vis Team would be a good way to meet people with similar interests in a city I was new in at this time.”
―Ms Alice Zinnecker, LLM student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018)

Read more about what an international moot court competition like the Vis Moot can offer you in this blog post by David Scott, Glasgow alumnus and former international moot court participant and coach.

How does the Vis Moot compare to other courses and/or extra-curricular activities you have undertaken at Glasgow?

“The Vis Moot far surpassed any course or extracurricular experience of my University career. The level of support and feedback you are given on both your written work and your oral advocacy is second to none. This motivated me to do more in this extracurricular course than in any other university course. I would go as far as to say I learned more and progressed more in the Vis Moot Team than I did in any other experience I had at University. It was the only course where I received consistent feedback tailored to my own performance and I continue to use this feedback in my personal and professional capacities.”
―Ms Christy Foster, 4th year student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018)
“The Vis Moot is like no other subject you will study. You grow personally, academically and professionally. I learned a lot about myself, about arbitration, and about working in the international commercial sphere.”
―Ms Isla Neil, 3rd year student representing Radboud University Nijmegen at the 23rd Vis Moot (2016)
“The Vis Moot is unique. It is very hard to compare to other courses as there are no syllabus, exams or essays. Instead there are written and oral pleadings.
Another unique feature is the international element. Having attended the Edinburgh and Madrid pre-moots, our team bonded with other universities and looked forward to various mini-reunions in Vienna.

The final distinct element of the Moot to mention is the teamwork. Your team are the Moot. This experience will teach you to work efficiently with others. There will be disputes, far more than other courses, but you will overcome them.

The Moot isn’t sunshine and rainbows all the time – there is a lot of hard work involved and there is a lot of pressure around deadlines. However, upon completion participants probably wouldn’t change this.”
―Mr Joseph Finnerty, Diploma student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018)
“The Vis Moot was at least as demanding and time-consuming as the other four classes I took in the course of my LL.M. Although the Vis Moot was extra-curricular, everybody in our team and also myself developed strong ambitions to do well in it and invested as much time in the project as possible. […] My work for the Vis Moot enormously trained my skills in legal writing, legal research, teamwork and especially oral submissions. Never before in my whole studies had I got so much individual feedback for the work I did, which has helped me to improve a lot.”
―Ms Alice Zinnecker, LLM student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018)

What have you taken away from your participation in the Vis Moot?

“The Vis Moot was a very challenging experience that taught me a lot about myself. I have come away from the moot more confident, more astute, with friends all over the world and as a proud part of the Vis Moot community. Taking part in the Vis Moot was one of the best decisions I made during my university career.”
―Ms Isla Neil, 3rd year student representing Radboud University Nijmegen at the 23rd Vis Moot in 2016
“My participation in the Moot has taught me a lot about my own strengths and weaknesses while working alone and in a group. By working so closely and for such a long period of time with others I saw their strengths contrast my weaknesses and made me aware of the areas in which I need to focus in order to improve. […] I truly believe my experience with the Vis Moot set me apart in my job applications this year and was instrumental in my securing a training contract commencing in 2019.”
―Ms Christy Foster, 4th year student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018)
“The Vis Moot has provided me with an extensive knowledge of international sales law. It was an area untouched by my undergraduate degree, and what started as a crash course is now a substantial part of my legal knowledge. The second, and more important thing, I have taken away from the Moot is the people that I met. The Moot provides you with a unique networking opportunity, which can prove invaluable to your career. There is also my team; who are now stuck with me!”
―Mr Joseph Finnerty, Diploma student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018)

"My participation in the Vis Moot has significantly improved and honed my legal drafting and research skills, as well as my ability to present legal arguments. Alongside the skills I have gained, I have also left Vis Moot with a greater understanding of the kind of work a career in international commercial arbitration could involve and met many interesting people from around the world at the Vis Moot itself and at pre-moots."
―Ms Grace Cameron, Diploma student representing the University of Glasgow at the 25th Vis Moot (2018)