Number of items: 131.
Geiss, R. and Pues, A.
Article 8 (2)(b)(xxvii)-(xxix).
In: Ambos, K. (ed.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court [Fourth Edition].
Beck/Hart: Munich, Oxford.
ISBN 9781509944057
Geiss, R. and Pues, A.
Article 8(2)(e)(xvi)-(xix).
In: Ambos, K. (ed.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court [Fourth Edition].
Beck/Hart: Munich, Oxford.
ISBN 9781509944057
Pues, A. and Geiß, R.
International manuals in international humanitarian law: A rejoinder to Wouter G. Werner.
In: Krieger, H. and Püschmann, J. (eds.)
Law-Making and Legitimacy in International Humanitarian Law.
Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, pp. 232-241.
ISBN 9781800883956
Geiß, R. and Lahmann, H.
Protection of data in armed conflict.
International Law Studies, 97(1),
pp. 556-572.
Geiss, R. and Melzer, N. (Eds.)
The Oxford Handbook on the International Law of Global Security.
Series: Oxford handbooks.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198827276
Geiss, R. and Ozcelik Olcay, A.
Modern Peace and Ceasefire Agreements: An Annotated Collection.
Cambridge University Press.
(Accepted for Publication)
Rasulov, A. , Geiss, R. and Hilf, M.
Most-favoured-nation clause.
In: Peters, A. (ed.)
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law.
Oxford University Press.
Gasser, H.-P., Melzer, N. and Geiss, R.
Humanitäres Völkerrecht: Eine Einführung.
Schulthess Verlag: Zurich.
ISBN 9783725581665
Geiß, R. and Devaney, J.
Zealots, victims and captives: maintaining adequate protection of human shields in contemporary international humanitarian law.
In: Dinstein, Y. and Lahav, J. (eds.)
Israel Yearbook of Human Rights.
Series: Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, 47.
Brill, pp. 11-33.
ISBN 9789004341944
(doi: 10.1163/9789004341951_003)
Geiß, R. and Lahmann, H.
Autonomous weapons systems: a paradigm shift for the law of armed conflict?
In: Ohlin, J. D. (ed.)
Research Handbook on Remote Warfare.
Series: Research handbooks in international law.
Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 371-404.
ISBN 9781784716981
Gill, T., Geiß, R. and Heinsch, R.
The Conduct of Hostilities and International Humanitarian Law: challenges of 21st century warfare ; final report.
Project Report.
ILA Study Group.
Geiss, R., Zimmermann, A. and Haumer, S. (Eds.)
Humanizing the Laws of War: The Red Cross and the Development of International Humanitarian Law.
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781107171350
Geiss, R. and Zimmermann, A.
The International Committee of the Red Cross: A unique actor in the field of International Humanitarian Law creation and progressive development.
In: Geiss, R., Zimmermann, A. and Haumer, S. (eds.)
Humanizing the Laws of War: The Red Cross and the Development of International Humanitarian Law.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 215-255.
ISBN 9781107171350
Haumer, S., Geiss, R. and Zimmermann, A.
Introduction: The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the development of international humanitarian law.
In: Geiss, R., Zimmermann, A. and Haumer, S. (eds.)
Humanizing the Laws of War: The Red Cross and the Development of International Humanitarian Law.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-26.
ISBN 9781107171350
Geiss, R. (Ed.)
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: Technology, Definition, Ethics, Law & Security.
Federal Foreign Office.
Bhuta, N., Beck, S., Geiss, R., Liu, H.-Y. and Kress, C. (Eds.)
Autonomous Weapons Systems: Law, Ethics and Policy.
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781107153561
Gill, T. D., Geiss, R., Krieger, H., McCormack, T., Paulussen, C. and Dorsey, J. (Eds.)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 17, 2014.
Series: Yearbook of international humanitarian law.
T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague.
ISBN 9789462650893
Gill, T. D., McCormack, T., Geiss, R., Krieger, H. and Paulussen, C. (Eds.)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 18, 2015.
Series: Yearbook of international humanitarian law.
T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague.
ISBN 9789462651401
Bhuta, N., Beck, S. and Geiss, R.
Present futures: concluding reflections and open questions
on autonomous weapons systems.
In: Bhuta, N., Beck, S., Geiss, R., Liu, H.-Y. and Kress, C. (eds.)
Autonomous Weapons Systems Law, Ethics, Policy.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 347-383.
ISBN 9781107153561
Geiss, R.
Article 15.
ICRC, Commentary on the First Geneva Convention: Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field [2nd ed.].
ICRC/CUP: Geneva.
Geiss, R.
Article 8 (2) (e) (xiii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R.
Common Article 3 GC I-IV.
ICRC, Commentary on the First Geneva Convention: Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field [2nd ed.].
ICRC/CUP: Geneva.
Geiss, R. and Durham, H.
Article 12.
ICRC, Commentary on the First Geneva Convention: Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field [2nd ed.].
ICRC/CUP: Geneva.
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (b) (x) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (b) (xiii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (b) (xvi) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (c) (i) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (c) (ii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (c) (iii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (c) (iv) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (d).
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (i) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (ii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (iii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (iv) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (ix) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (v) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (vi) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (vii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (viii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (x) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (xi) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (e) (xii) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (2) (f) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R. and Zimmerman, A.
Article 8 (3) ICC Statute.
In: Triffterer, O. and Ambos, K. (eds.)
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: a commentary. 3rd ed.
Hart Publishing: Oxford.
ISBN 9783406648540
Geiss, R.
The International-Law Dimension of Autonomous Weapons Systems [Policy study].
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Geiss, R. and Tams, C. J.
Non-flag states as guardians of the maritime order: creeping jurisdiction of a different kind?
In: Ringbom, H. (ed.)
Jurisdiction over Ships: Post-UNCLOS Developments in the Law of the Sea.
Series: Publications on ocean development, 80.
Brill: Leiden, pp. 19-49.
ISBN 9789004303508
Geiss, R.
Die völkerrechtliche Dimension autonomer Waffensysteme [Policy study].
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Gill, T. D., Geiss, R., Heinsch, R., McCormack, T., Paulussen, C. and Dorsey, J. (Eds.)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 16, 2013.
Series: Yearbook of international humanitarian law.
T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague.
ISBN 9789462650374
Gill, T. D., Geiss, R., Heinsch, R., McCormack, T., Paulussen, C. and Dorsey, J. (Eds.)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 2013.
T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague.
Gill, T. D., Geiss, R., Krieger, H. and Paulussen, C. (Eds.)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 17, 2014.
T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague.
Geiss, R. and Baghai, M.
In: Masala, C. (ed.)
Handbuch Internationale Beziehungen.
Springer, p. 26.
Geiss, R.
Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions : scope and content of the obligation to 'ensure respect' - 'narrow but deep' or 'wide and shallow'?
In: Krieger, H. (ed.)
Inducing Compliance with International Humanitarian Law : Lessons from the African Great Lakes Region.
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781107102057
Geiss, R.
The obligation to respect and to ensure respect for the Geneva Conventions.
In: Clapham, A., Gaeta, P. and Sassoli, M. (eds.)
The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 109-134.
ISBN 9780199675449
Geiss, R.
Russia’s annexation of Crimea: The mills of international law grind slowly but they do grind.
International Law Studies, 91(1),
pp. 425-449.
Marshall, A. , Gomez, A., Chouvy, P.-A., van der Veen, H., Kipnis, E., Spiteri-Cornish, L., Geiss, R., Wisehart, D., Goodhand, J. and Mansfield, D.
Grasping the Links in the Chain: Understanding the Unintended Consequences of International Counter-Narcotics Measures for the EU.
Project Report.
University of Glasgow on behalf of the LINKSCH Consortium.
Gill, T. D., Geiss, R., Heinsch, R., McCormack, T., Paulussen, C. and Dorsey, J. (Eds.)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 15, 2012.
Series: Yearbook of international humanitarian law.
T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague.
ISBN 9789067049238
Gill, T. D., Geiss, R., Heinsch, R., McCormack, T., Paulussen, C. and Dorsey, J. (Eds.)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 15, 2012.
T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague.
Geiss, R. and Lahmann, H.
Freedom and security in cyberspace: shifting the focus away from military responses towards non-forcible countermeasures and collective threat prevention.
In: Ziolkowski, K. (ed.)
Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace.
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, pp. 621-657.
ISBN 9789949921171
Geiss, R.
Cyberwarfare –Herausforderungen an das Völkerrecht.
Ethik und Militär: Kontroversen der Militärethik und Sicherheitskultur, 2,
pp. 13-16.
Geiss, R.
Human Shielding in Populated Areas.
Proceedings of the XXXVII San Remo Round Table on Current Issues of International Humanitarian Law, San Remo, 4-6 Sept 2014.
Geiss, R.
The law of weaponry from 1914 to 2014: Is the law keeping pace with technological evolution in the military domain?
In: Delbrück, J. (ed.)
Essays in Honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law.
Duncker & Humblot, pp. 229-248.
Geiß, R. and Wisehart, D.
Concerned with the health and welfare of mankind ... ? The UN Drug Conventions: A suitable legal framework for the 21st century?
Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, 18,
pp. 368-404.
(doi: 10.1163/18757413-00180013)
Gill, T., Geiss, R. and Heinsch, R.
The Conduct of Hostilities and International Humanitarian Law: challenges of 21st century warfare ; interim report.
ILA Study Group.
Geiss, R.
Cyber warfare and non-international armed conflicts.
Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, 43,
pp. 141-157.
Schmitt, M. N., , and , (Eds.)
Tallin Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare.
Cambridge University Press.
Geiss, R.
Land warfare.
In: Wolfrum, R. (ed.)
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law.
Oxford University Press, pp. 681-697.
ISBN 9780199291687
Geiss, R.
Claire Finkelstein, Jens David Ohlin, and Andrew Altman (eds). Targeted Killings: Law and Morality in an Asymmetrical World, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012.
European Journal of International Law, 24(2),
pp. 722-729.
(doi: 10.1093/ejil/cht028)[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Cyber warfare: implications for non-international armed conflicts.
International Law Studies, 89,
Geiss, R.
Der Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen : eine Standortbestimmung nach Abschluss des "Review"-Prozesses.
In: Breuer, M., Epiney, A., Haratsch, A., Schmahl, S. and Weiss, N. (eds.)
Der Staat im Recht : Festschrift für Eckart Klein zum 70. Geburtstag.
Duncker & Humblot: Berlin.
ISBN 9783428137381
Geiss, R.
Roland Otto. Targeted Killings and International Law, Heidelberg 2012.
European Journal of International Law, 24(2),
pp. 722-729.
(doi: 10.1093/ejil/cht028)[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
William H. Boothby. The Law of Targeting, Oxford University Press, 2012.
European Journal of International Law, 24(2),
pp. 722-729.
(doi: 10.1093/ejil/cht028)[Book Review]
Zimmerman, A. and Geiss, R.
§ 10 Kriegsverbrechen gegen humanitäre Operationen und Embleme [Commentary].
In: Joecks, W. and Miebach, K. (eds.)
Münchener Kommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch, Band 6/2: Nebenstrafrecht III, Völkerstrafgesetzbuch.
C.H. Beck: Munich.
ISBN 9783406550560
Zimmerman, A. and Geiss, R.
§ 8 Kriegsverbrechen gegen Personen [Commentary].
In: Joecks, W. and Miebach, K. (eds.)
Münchener Kommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch, Band 6/2: Nebenstrafrecht III, Völkerstrafgesetzbuch.
C.H. Beck: Munich.
ISBN 9783406550560
Geiss, R. and Lahmann, H.
Cyber warfare: applying the principle of distinction in an interconnected space.
Israel Law Review, 45(3),
pp. 381-399.
(doi: 10.1017/S0021223712000179)
Geiss, R.
Ethnic cleansing.
In: Wolfrum, R. (ed.)
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law.
Oxford University Press, pp. 681-697.
Geiss, R.
Most-favoured-nation clause.
In: Wolfrum, R. (ed.)
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law.
Oxford University Press, pp. 384-395.
ISBN 9780199291687
Geiss, R.
Ne bis in idem.
In: Wolfrum, R. (ed.)
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law.
Oxford University Press, pp. 575-583.
Geiss, R.
The principle of proportionality - force protection as a military advantage.
Israel Law Review, 45,
pp. 71-89.
Zimmermann, A. and Geiss, R.
Article 61 [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A., Tomuschat, C., Oellers-Frahm, K. and Tams, C. (eds.)
The Statute of the International Court of Justice: A Commentary.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
ISBN 9780199692996
Geiss, R. and Siegrist, M.
Has the armed conflict in Afghanistan affected the rules on the conduct of hostilities?
International Review of the Red Cross, 93(881),
pp. 11-46.
(doi: 10.1017/S1816383111000191)
Geiss, R.
Convention relating to the status of refugees: Article 39 [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
Convention relating to the status of refugees: Article 43 [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
Convention relating to the status of refugees: Article 44 [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
Convention relating to the status of refugees: Article 46 [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
Protocol relating to the status of refugees: Article IX [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
Protocol relating to the status of refugees: Article V [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
Protocol relating to the status of refugees: Article VIII [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
Protocol relating to the status of refugees: Article X [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
Protocol relating to the status of refugees: Article XI [Commentary].
In: Zimmerman, A. (ed.)
Commentary on the Refugee Convention.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
Geiss, R.
UN-Massnahmen gegen Libyen – Eine völkerrechtliche Betrachtung.
Vereinte Nationen,
pp. 99-104.
Geiss, R. and Petrig, A.
Piracy and Armed Robbery at Sea: The Legal Framework for Counter-Piracy Operations in Somalia and the Gulf of Aden.
Series: Max Planck research on international, European, and comparative criminal law, 1.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
ISBN 9780199609529
Geiss, R.
Poison, gas and expanding bullets: The extension of the list of prohibited weapons at the Review Conference of the International Criminal Court in Kampala.
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 13,
pp. 337-352.
(doi: 10.1007/978-90-6704-811-8_11)
Geiss, R.
The conduct of hostilities in and via cyberspace.
Proceedings of the American Society of International Law, 104,
pp. 371-374.
Geiss, R.
The conduct of hostilities in asymmetric conflicts - reciprocity, distinction, proportionality, precautions.
Humanitäres Völkerrecht: Informationsschriften, 23(3),
pp. 122-132.
Geiss, R.
Das humanitäre Völkerrecht im Lichte aktueller Herausforderungen.
In: Heintze, H.-J. and Ipsen, K. (eds.)
Heutige bewaffnete Konflikte als Herausforderungen an das humanitäre Völkerrecht: 20 Jahre Institut für Friedenssicherungsrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht - 60 Jahre Genfer Abkommen.
Springer, pp. 45-69.
ISBN 9783642146756
Geiss, R.
Humanitarian law obligations of organized armed groups.
In: Odello, M. and Beruto, G.L. (eds.)
Non-State Actors and International Humanitarian Law : organized armed groups : a challenge for the 21st century : 32nd Round table on current issues of international humanitarian law, San Remo, 11-13 September 2009.
Series: Politica/studi (85).
F. Angeli, pp. 93-101.
ISBN 9788856824278
Geiss, R.
The legal regulation of cyber-attacks in times of armed conflict.
In: 11eme Actes du Colloque de Bruges, 21-22 Oct 2010,
pp. 141-145.
Geiss, R.
Military necessity: A fundamental "principle" fallen into oblivion.
In: Ruiz Fabri, H., Wolfrum, R. and Gogolin, J. (eds.)
Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, 2008.
Hart Publishing, pp. 554-568.
ISBN 9781849460644
Geiss, R. and Petrig, A.
UN-mandatierte Pirateriebekampfung im Golf von Aden - Langfristige Losungen mussen gefunden werden.
Vereinte Nationen(1),
pp. 1-6.
Geiss, R.
Anthony Cullen, The Concept of Non-International Armed Conflict in International Humanitarian, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2010.
German Yearbook of International Law,
pp. 1019-1020.
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Noam Lubell, Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Actors, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010.
German Yearbook of International Law, 53,
pp. 1028-1030.
[Book Review]
Dormann, K. and Geiss, R.
The implementation of grave breaches into domestic legal orders.
Journal of International Criminal Justice, 7(4),
pp. 703-721.
(doi: 10.1093/jicj/mqp056)
Geiss, R.
Armed violence in fragile states: Low-intensity conflicts, spillover conflicts, and sporadic law enforcement operations by third parties.
International Review of the Red Cross, 91(873),
pp. 127-142.
Geiss, R.
Vaughan Lowe/Adam Roberts/Jennifer Welsh/Dominik Zaum: The United Nations Security Council and War – The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945.
German Yearbook of International Law,
pp. 727-729.
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Walter Kälin/Jörg Künzli, The Law of International Human Rights Protection, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009.
German Yearbook of International Law,
pp. 724-727.
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
The protection of journalists in armed conflict.
German Yearbook of International Law, 51,
pp. 289-320.
Geiss, R.
Dieter Fleck (ed.), Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2008.
Heidelberg Journal of International Law, 68(3),
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Manfred Nowak/Elizabeth McArthur (eds.). The United Nations Convention Against Torture, A Commentary, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2008.
German Yearbook of International Law,
pp. 757-758.
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Robert Kolb, Richard Heyde, An Introduction to the International Law of Armed Conflicts, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2008.
German Yearbook of International Law, 51,
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Vaughan Lowe, International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007.
German Yearbook of International Law,
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Der staatliche Auslagenerstattungsanspruch für Hilfeleistungen in Entführungs- und Katastro-
phenfällen im Ausland.
Die Öffentliche Verwaltung - DÖV,
pp. 155-160.
Geiss, R. and Zimmermann, A.
Die Totung Unbeteiligter Zivilisten: Menshcenunwurdig im Frieden - Menschenwurdig im Krieg? -Das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes zum Luftsicherheitsgesetz im Lichte des humanitaren Volkerrechts.
Der Staat, 46,
pp. 377-393.
Geiss, R.
Margit Bühler. Einschränkung von Grundrechten nach der Europäischen Grundrechtecharta,
Duncker & Humblot, Berlin.
Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt, 1,
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Assymmetric conflict structures.
International Review of the Red Cross, 88(864),
pp. 757-777.
Geiss, R.
Non-state actors: their role and impact on the fragmentation of international law.
In: Zimmermann, A., Hoffmann, R. and Goeters, H. (eds.)
Unity and Diversity in International Law: Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Kiel Walther Schücking Institute of International Law, November 4 - 7, 2004.
Series: Veröffentlichungen des Walther-Schücking-Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel (157).
Duncker und Humblot: Berlin, pp. 64-87.
ISBN 9783428120192
Geiss, R.
Weltburger in Uniform, Anmerkungen zum Urteil des 2. Wehrdienstsenenats des Bundesverwaltungsgerichtes vom 21. Juni 2005, BVerwG 2 WD 12.04.
Archiv des Völkerrechts, 44(2),
pp. 217-235.
Geiss, R.
Andrew Clapham, Human Rights Obligations of Non-State Actors, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006.
German Yearbook of International Law, 49,
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Judith Gardam, Necessity, Proportionality and the Use of Force by States, Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Cambridge 2004.
German Yearbook of International Law, 49,
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Marten Zwanenburg, Accountability of Peace Support Operations, Leiden 2005.
Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, 2,
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Philip Alston (ed.), Non-State Actors and Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004.
German Yearbook of International Law, 49,
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
Civil aircraft as weapons of large scale destruction.
Michigan Journal of International Law, 27,
pp. 227-256.
Geiss, R.
Failed states: Legal aspects and security implications.
German Yearbook of International Law, 48,
pp. 120-160.
Geiss, R.
Humanitarian safeguards in economic sanctions regimes: a call for automatic suspension clauses, periodic monitoring, and follow-up assessment of long-term effects.
Harvard Human Rights Journal, 18,
pp. 167-199.
Geiss, R.
Name, grade, serial number and the right to remain silent.
International Review of the Red Cross, 87(860),
pp. 721-735.
Geiss, R.
Three steps into reality – the work of the ICC.
German Yearbook of International Law, 48,
pp. 473-487.
Geiss, R. and Bulinckx, N.
International and internationalised criminal tribunals: a synopsis.
International Review of the Red Cross, 88(861),
pp. 49-63.
Geiss, R.
Erika de Wet, The Chapter VII Powers of the United Nations Security Council, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2004.
German Yearbook of International Law, 48,
[Book Review]
Geiss, R.
"Failed States": die normative Erfassung gescheiterer Staaten.
Series: Veröffentlichungen des Walther-Schücking-Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, 152.
Duncker & Humblot: Berlin.
ISBN 9783428116157
Geiss, R.
Revision proceedings before the International Court of Justice.
Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 63,
pp. 167-194.
Geiss, R.
Mauro Politi, Giuseppe Nesi (eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - A challenge to impunity, Burlington 2001.
German Yearbook of International Law, 46,
[Book Review]
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