Number of items: 20.
Lee, J.
Common Law, Civil Law, and Colonial Law: Essays in Comparative Legal History from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Centuries Common Law, Civil Law, and Colonial Law: Essays in Comparative Legal History from the Twelfth to the Twentieth Centuries , edited by William Eves, John Hudson, Ingrid Ivarsen and Sarah B. White, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021, x + 338pp, £85.00 (hardback, also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core and in paperback), ISBN: 978-1-108-92512-9.
Journal of Legal History, 45(1),
pp. 112-115.
(doi: 10.1080/01440365.2024.2320965)[Book Review]
Lee, J.
Land law in Francophone Africa.
Lee, J.
The essential similarity of express trusts in England, Japan and Quebec.
In: Mrockova, N., Nair, A. and Rostill, L. (eds.)
Modern Studies in Property Law, Volume 12.
Series: Modern studies in property law.
Hart Publishing.
ISBN 9781509963676
Lee, J.
Singapore Trusts Law by Christopher Hare and Vincent Ooi.
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, 2022(2),
pp. 485-500.
[Book Review]
Lee, J.
Structure and rulemaking in English, Japanese and Quebec trusts.
Lee, J.
Asia-Pacific Trusts Law, Volume 1: Theory and Practice in Context.
Law Quarterly Review, 138(Jul),
pp. 514-517.
[Book Review]
Lee, J.
Inge Van Hulle, Britain and International Law in West Africa.
American Journal of Legal History, 62(2),
pp. 208-211.
(doi: 10.1093/ajlh/njac012)[Book Review]
Lee, J.
Secured Transactions Law in Asia: Principles, Perspectives and Reform, edited by Louise Gullifer and Dora Neo, (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2021), xlix + 502 pp., hardback, £120.00, ISBN: 978-1-509-92649-7.
Law Quarterly Review, 138(Jan),
pp. 156-159.
[Book Review]
Lee, J.
Settlor’s retention of powers in civil law trusts.
Trust Law International, 35(2),
pp. 90-111.
Lee, J.
The nature of the beneficiary’s interest in English, Japanese and Quebec trusts.
European Review of Private Law, 29(4),
pp. 611-632.
Lee, J.
The irreducible core of trustee duties in East Asian trusts.
Trusts and Trustees, 27(4),
pp. 302-310.
(doi: 10.1093/tandt/ttab013)
Lee, J.
Closest model, rival and fateful enemy.
In: Baumler, A. (ed.)
Routledge Handbook of Revolutionary China.
Series: Routledge handbooks.
Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, pp. 243-257.
ISBN 9781138647558
(doi: 10.4324/9781315626727-17)
Lee, J.
In: Chiang, H. (ed.)
The Making of the Human Sciences in China: Historical and Conceptual Foundations.
Series: China studies (40).
Brill: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 267-282.
ISBN 9789004397613
(doi: 10.1163/9789004397620_015)
Lee, J.
China–Japan Relations after World War Two: Empire, Industry and War, 1949–1971 Amy King Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016 xv + 261 pp. £64.99; $99.00 ISBN 978-1-107-13164-4.
China Quarterly, 229,
pp. 248-250.
(doi: 10.1017/s0305741017000418)[Book Review]
Lee, J.
Brasó Broggi, Carles, Trades and technology networks in the Chinese textile industry: opening up before the reform (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Pp. xiv+221. 3 figs. 19 tabs. ISBN 9781137494047 Hbk. £75).
Economic History Review, 70(1),
pp. 363-364.
(doi: 10.1111/ehr.12523)[Book Review]
Lee, J.
Shellen Xiao Wu. Empires of Coal: Fueling China’s Entry into the Modern World Order, 1860–1920. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2015. xii +266 pp. ISBN 978-0-8047-9284-4, $45.00 (cloth).
Enterprise and Society, 17(1),
pp. 192-195.
(doi: 10.1017/eso.2015.57)[Book Review]
Lee, J.
Where imperialism could not reach: Chinese industrial policy and Japan, 1900–1940.
Enterprise and Society, 15(4),
pp. 655-671.
(doi: 10.1017/s1467222700016062)
Lee, J.
Senkaku/Diaoyu: islands of conflict.
History Today, 61(5),
Lee, J.
Lever of empire: the international gold standard and the crisis of liberalism in pre-war Japan. By Mark Metzler. Berkeley, CA; London: University of California Press, 2006. Pp. xxiv+370. ISBN 0-520-24420-6. £32.50.
Historical Journal, 52(4),
pp. 1122-1124.
(doi: 10.1017/s0018246x09990240)[Book Review]
Lee, J.
From foot soldier to finance minister: Takahashi Korekiyo, Japan's Keynes - By Richard J. Smethurst.
Economic History Review, 62(4),
pp. 1040-1041.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.2009.00501_29.x)[Book Review]
This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 17:49:10 2025 GMT.