Water and Value Workshop - 13th May 2022

Published: 10 August 2022

The University of Glasgow is hosting a series of Workshops which aim to bring together researchers from a diverse range of disciplines and relevant stakeholders to gain a greater understanding of the conceptualisation of water from a variety of perspectives.

The University of Glasgow is hosting a series of Workshops which aim to bring together researchers from a diverse range of disciplines and relevant stakeholders to gain a greater understanding of the conceptualisation of water from a variety of perspectives. This will allow the co-production of a future interdisciplinary research agenda for living sustainably with water. Each Workshop will be organised under sub-themes which are intentionally interdisciplinary to facilitate exploration and collaboration.

The first Workshop was held on 13th May 2022 and explored the process of framing the value and meaning of water. It investigated how different conceptualisations of water feed into the governance of the resource, how this impacts on different social and ecological groups, and how alternative framings of water’s economic, environmental, and socio-cultural value might facilitate living sustainably with water. 

See the Abstracts and Biographies in relation to the presentations as well as the Discussion Paper originating from the Workshop here.

First published: 10 August 2022

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