Number of items: 42.
Godfrey, A.M. (Ed.)
Miscellany Nine.
Series: Stair society.
Stair Society: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9781872517377
Godfrey, M.
Authorities in Early Modern Law Courts, Edinburgh Studies in Law Volume 16.
Journal of Legal History, 44(1),
pp. 120-123.
(doi: 10.1080/01440365.2023.2184553)[Book Review]
Godfrey, M.
Niall R Whitty, Unjustified Enrichment.
Edinburgh Law Review, 27(1),
pp. 120-124.
(doi: 10.3366/elr.2023.0820)[Book Review]
Godfrey, M.
Charles Fletcher, Justice and Society in the Highlands of Scotland: Strathspey and the Regality of Grant (c.1690–1748).
Eighteenth Century Scotland, 2022(36),
pp. 23-25.
[Book Review]
Godfrey, M.
Scottish legal history 2001 – 2022: a select bibliography.
Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte, 44(3-4),
pp. 285-301.
(doi: 10.5771/0250-6459-2022-3-4-285)
Godfrey, M.
Relations between litigation and judicial process in the college of justice in sixteenth-century Scotland.
In: Amend-Traut, A., Czeguhn, I. and Oestmann, P. (eds.)
Urteiler, Richter, Spruchkörper: Entscheidungsfindung und Entscheidungsmechanismen in der Europäischen Rechtskultur.
Series: Quellen und Forschungen zur höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im Alten Reich - Band 075.
Böhlau: Köln, pp. 213-223.
ISBN 9783412518783
Godfrey, A. M. and van Rhee, C.H. (Eds.)
Central Courts in Early Modern Europe and the Americas.
Series: Comparative studies in continental and Anglo-American legal history, vol.34.
Duncker und Humblot: Berlin.
ISBN 9783428180332
Godfrey, A. M. (Ed.)
Miscellany Eight.
Series: Stair society, vol.67.
Stair Society: Edinburgh.
Godfrey, A. M.
The College of Justice, Court of Session and Privy Council in sixteenth century Scotland, 1532–1603.
In: Godfrey, A. M. and van Rhee, C.H. (eds.)
Central Courts in Early Modern Europe and the Americas.
Series: Comparative studies in continental and Anglo-American legal history, vol.34.
Duncker und Humblot: Berlin, pp. 151-187.
Godfrey, A. M. and van Rhee, C.H.
In: Godfrey, A. M. and van Rhee, C.H. (eds.)
Central Courts in Early Modern Europe and the Americas.
Series: Comparative studies in continental and Anglo-American legal history, vol.34.
Duncker und Humblot: Berlin, pp. 9-35.
Godfrey, M. , Pihlajamäki, H. and Dubber, M. D. (Eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History.
Series: Oxford handbooks.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
ISBN 9780198785521
Godfrey, M.
Control and the constitutional accountability of the College of Justice in Scotland, 1532-1626.
In: Czeguhn, I., López Nevot, J. A. and Sánchez Aranda, A. (eds.)
Control of Supreme Courts in Early Modern Europe.
Series: Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte (181).
Duncker und Humblot: Berlin, pp. 117-148.
ISBN 9783428148080
Godfrey, M. (Ed.)
Law and Authority in British Legal History, 1200–1900.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107122277
Godfrey, M.
Alternative dispute resolution within law courts in 16th century Scotland.
In: Cordes, A. (ed.)
Mit Freundschaft oder mit Recht? Inner- und außergerichtliche Alternativen zur kontroversen Streitentscheidung im 15.-19. Jahrhundert.
Series: Quellen und Forschungen zur höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im Alten Reich (65).
Böhlau: Cologne, pp. 149-158.
ISBN 9783412224028
Godfrey, M.
Review of: Susanne Jenks, Jonathan Rose & Christopher Whittick (eds.), Laws, Lawyers and Texts: Studies in Medieval Legal History in Honour of Paul Brand.
Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung, 132,
pp. 672-675.
[Book Review]
Godfrey, A. M.
Royal councils, law courts and governance: the role of litigation in early modern Scotland.
In: Jansen, N. and Oestmann, P. (eds.)
Rechtsgeschichte heute. Religion und Politik in der Geschichte des Rechts - Schlaglichter einer Ringvorlesung.
Series: Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft (22).
Mohr-Siebeck: Tübingen, Germany, pp. 77-94.
ISBN 9783161531088
Godfrey, A.M.
Rethinking the justice of the feud in sixteenth century Scotland.
In: Boardman, S. and Goodare, J. (eds.)
Kings, Lords and Men in Scotland and Britain, 1300-1625: Essays in Honour of Jenny Wormald.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 136-154.
ISBN 9780748691500
(doi: 10.3366/edinburgh/9780748691500.003.0007)
Godfrey, A.M.
Scotland: the court of session from its foundation to 1800.
In: van Rhee, C.H. and Wijffels, A. (eds.)
The European Courts: A Portrait Through History.
Third Millennium Information: London, UK, pp. 190-197.
ISBN 9781906507404
Godfrey, A.M.
The courts of Scotland.
In: Mulhern, M.A. (ed.)
The Law.
Series: Scottish Life and Society: A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology (13).
European Ethnological Research Centre: Edinburgh, pp. 131-154.
ISBN 9781906566043
Godfrey, A.M.
Review of: Illegality and Public Policy, by R.A. Buckley.
Edinburgh Law Review, 15(3),
pp. 505-507.
(doi: 10.3366/elr.2011.0074)[Book Review]
Godfrey, A.M.
Review of: Non-Contractual Liability Arising out of Damage Caused to Another (PEL Liab. Dam.), prepared by Christian von Bar.
Edinburgh Law Review, 15(2),
pp. 314-315.
(doi: 10.3366/elr.2011.0038)[Book Review]
Godfrey, A.M.
Mutuality, retention and set-off: Inveresk plc v Tullis Russell Papermakers Ltd.
Edinburgh Law Review, 15(1),
pp. 115-121.
(doi: 10.3366/elr.2011.0005)
Godfrey, A.M.
Parliament and the Law.
In: Brown, K. and MacDonald, A. (eds.)
The History of the Scottish Parliament: Parliament in Context, 1235-1707.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748614868
Godfrey, A.M.
Procedural Delay, Appeal and Advocation in the Court of Session in Sixteenth-Century Scotland.
In: van Rhee, C. H. (ed.)
Within a reasonable time : the history of due and undue delay in civil litigation.
Series: Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History (28).
Duncker and Humblot: Berlin, pp. 153-175.
ISBN 9783428134090
Godfrey, A.M.
Ratio decidendi and foreign law in the history of Scots Law.
In: Dauchy, S., Bryson, W.H. and Mirow, M.C. (eds.)
Ratio Decidendi: Guiding Principles of Judicial Decisions, Volume 2: Foreign Law.
Series: Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History (25/2).
Dunker & Humblot: Berlin, pp. 81-105.
ISBN 9783428534333
Godfrey, A.M.
Review of: The Law of Contract in Scotland, by W.W. McBryde.
Edinburgh Law Review, 13(1),
pp. 158-160.
(doi: 10.3366/E1364980908001145)[Book Review]
Godfrey, A.M.
Civil Justice in Renaissance Scotland: the Origins of a Central Court.
Series: Medieval law and its practice, 4.
Brill: Leiden ; Boston, MA.
ISBN 9789004174665
Godfrey, A.M.
Review of: The Customary Law of the Renowned Kingdom of Hungary: A Work in Three Parts Rendered by Stephen Werbőczy (The "Tripartitum"). The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary, vol. 5, edited and translated by János M. Bak and Martyn Rady with an introductory study by László Péter.
Central Europe, 6(1),
pp. 66-67.
(doi: 10.1179/174582108X292849)[Book Review]
Godfrey, A.M.
The Court of Session.
In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.)
The New Oxford Companion to Law.
Oxford University Press, p. 248.
ISBN 978-0-19-929054-3
Godfrey, A.M.
Review of: Law and Opinion in Scotland during the Seventeenth Century, by J.D. Ford.
Journal of Legal History, 29(3),
pp. 369-372.
(doi: 10.1080/01440360802469712)[Book Review]
Godfrey, A.M.
Review of: Law and History, A. Lewis and M. Lobban (eds.).
Edinburgh Law Review, 9(3),
pp. 483-484.
(doi: 10.3366/elr.2005.9.3.483)[Book Review]
Godfrey, A.M.
The Categories of Negligence Revisited: Harrison v West of Scotland Kart Club & Ors & Noble v De Boer.
Scots Law Times(2),
pp. 9-15.
Godfrey, A.M.
Review of: Unjustified Enrichment: Volume 1, by R. Evans-Jones.
Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 49,
[Book Review]
Godfrey, A.M.
Arbitration in the Ius Commune and Scots Law.
Roman Legal Tradition, 2,
pp. 122-135.
Godfrey, A.M.
Civil Procedure, Delay and the Court of Session in Sixteenth-Century Scotland.
In: van Rhee, C.H. (ed.)
The Law's Delay: Essays on Undue Delay in Civil Litigation.
Intersentia: Antwerp, pp. 107-119.
ISBN 9050953883
Godfrey, A.M.
Ius Commune, Practick and Civil Procedure in the Sixteenth-Century Court of Session.
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis: Legal History Review, 72(3_4),
pp. 283-295.
Godfrey, A.M.
Review of: Expectations of the Law in the Middle Ages, A. Musson (ed.).
Journal of Legal History, 25(3),
pp. 343-345.
(doi: 10.1080/0144036042000290762)[Book Review]
Godfrey, A.M.
Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in Sixteenth-Century Scotland.
Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis: Legal History Review, 70(1_2),
pp. 109-135.
Godfrey, A.M.
Jurisdiction in heritage and the foundation of the College of Justice in 1532.
In: MacQueen, H.L. (ed.)
Miscellany Four.
Series: Publications of the Stair Society (49).
Stair Society: Edinburgh, pp. 9-36.
ISBN 9781872517155
Godfrey, A.M.
The United Kingdom Parliament.
The Laws Of Scotland : Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia : Reissue.
Butterworths, pp. 93-124.
Godfrey, A.M.
The Assumption of Jurisdiction: Parliament, the King's Council and the College of Justice in Sixteenth-Century Scotland.
Journal of Legal History, 22(3),
pp. 21-36.
Godfrey, A.M.
Jurisdiction over Rights in Land in Later Medieval Scotland.
Juridical Review,
pp. 243-263.
This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 09:46:38 2025 GMT.