Zihao Li


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Research Topic

To what extent should Chinese legislation protect personal data against Automatic Decision-making Algorithm (ADA) in digital era? A comparative study of data protection law in the big data between EU and China.


Profile picture of Zihao Li


Zihao Li is a current PhD candidate at School of Law. He obtained his double Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science (BSc) and Law (LLB) in 2017, both from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. During 2015, he studied as an exchange student in University of California, Irvine. He also holds LL.M. in Intellectual Property and Digital Economy from University of Glasgow.

His research interests include information technology law, Internet law and cybersecurity with particular focus on data protection law. Zihao is also a member of the CREATe Centre and the Editorial Board Chair of IP society in University of Glasgow. Based on his interdisciplinary background, Zihao’s research aims to explore what is the best way for China to protect data in the increasingly widespread application of big data era.

Research Interests

Research Interests
  • Data Protection Law
  • Information technology Law
  • Internet and Intellectual Property Law
  • Cybersecurity and E-evidence Forensics
Research Assistance
  • Darwin Project for “5G + Connected and Autonomous Vehicles” (CAVs) – Took charge of legal landscape study especially focus on data protection and regulation law in the context of 5G and CAVs; Explored the date sharing between personal data, non-personal data under CAVs; Collaborating with Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow.
  • OpenMinTeD – Review Open License Standardization and Compatibility in the context of Text and Data Mining and supplement annotation into a license matrix at University of Glasgow. Available at https://openminted.github.io/releases/license-matrix/
  • Cyber Security Antivirus ARP Attack Research at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; – Utilized Veil and Metasploit in context of Kali Linux to test antivirus applications; Analysis digital evidence forensics of such cyberattacks based on Chinese cybersecurity law and Criminal law.
  • Gamed Based Cybersecurity Education Platform at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China; – Collaborative design a game-based education platform for data protection and cybersecurity legal education.


  • Zihao Li, “The Copyright Protection of Video Games from Reskinning in China—A Comparative Study on UK, US, and China”(2019)11(2) Tsinghua China Law Review, http://www.tsinghuachinalawreview.org/articles/1102_LI.htm
  • Zihao Li, “Standardization of Blockchain—A Legal Voice from Data Protection Law Perspective” (2020) European Academy for Standardization (EURAS) Contributions to Standardization Research book series. (Accepted)
  • Zihao Li, “Confronting with the algorithm bias risks, if blockchain will provide new chance or challenge from data protection law perspective?” (2020) Dublin Law and Politics Review. (Accepted)

Additional Information

In terms of internships, Zihao has had several internships in the Chinese People’s Intermediate Court, both in Criminal Court and Civil Court to assist judge to draft the verdict of several cases. He also had an internship in the Chinese Administration for Industrial and Commercial, assisting in the dealing with online intellectual property infringement.

As for extracurricular activities, he was the founder president of Information Technology Committee of IP society in University of Glasgow. He was also the vice president in Information Technology Association in Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications.