Working Alone

Working Alone

Working alone in the context of safety is defined as being alone and no-one else being aware of your presence. It is a risk because normal emergency procedures and staff are usually not available under such circumstances. Building policy is that this situation is an exception, never a rule, and the following guideline are minimum requirements to ensure personal safety:-

  1. Make sure that you are signed in the building outwith normal working hours.
  2. Do not leave building entry routes unlocked after working hours.
  3. Work near a telephone.
  4. In an emergency dial extension 4444 before any other calls for help so that security staff can assist in reaching you.
  5. Ensure that the availability and type of aid, and the means of summoning aid are consistent with the nature of the hazard and the degree of exposure as identified by a thorough risk assessment.
  6. Risk Assessments involving lone working outwith normal hours must be counter-signed by the Safety co-ordinator or appropriate Head of Research Area.