Study Philosophy Abroad

Study Philosophy Abroad

satellite picture of the Earth and the small moon on the right side You have the option to study philosophy overseas in your third year. The university maintains agreements with a range of universities outside Europe, mainly in the U.S.A, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, but also in a few other places such as Hong Kong. In addition, philosophy has an Erasmus exchange agreement with the University of Barcelona. Erasmus students normally spend the first semester of their Junior Honours year abroad; students travelling outside Europe typically go for the whole of their Junior Honours year.

You are not formally guaranteed a place abroad, but in the past all students in good academic standing who were diligent in preparing their applications have been able to secure a place (not necessarily their first choice). Most students have found the experience very valuable.

More information about studying abroad is available on the International Office's website.

Note on language requirements: Philosophy students going to Barcelona attend lectures in Spanish but may submit written work in English (subject to agreement of the course lecturer).

Students interested in studying abroad should attend the information sessions offered by the the International Office each autumn. For questions about the academic arrangements contact Gary Kemp ( Academic work completed abroad counts towards your degree; the length of time needed to complete your degree is not extended (unlike the year abroad required for language degrees).