Mr Gilbert Markus

  • Affiliate (Celtic & Gaelic)


School Of Humanities, Celtic and Gaelic, 3 University Gardens, Glasgow G12

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List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2001
Number of items: 31.


Clancy, T. and Markus, G. (2018) Place-Names of Kirkcudbrightshire: Project Blogs. [Website]

Markus, G. (2018) Rock-Rider: Saint Conval and his Church at Inchinnan. Inchinnan Historical Interest Group: Inchinnan, Scotland.


Markus, G. (2017) Adomnán, two saints, and the paschal controversy. Innes Review, 68(1), pp. 1-18. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2017.0127)


Markus, G. (2015) Brilliant Flame: St Munnu in medieval literature and his church at Kilmun in Cowal. Kilmartin Museum Trust: Kilmartin, Scotland. ISBN 9780953367450


Markus, G. (2013) Review of Karen Eileen Overbey, Sacral Geographies: Saints, Shrines and Territory in Medieval Ireland. Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages 2. Innes Review, 64(1), pp. 73-78. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2013.0050)[Book Review]

Markus, G. (2013) Norse Settlement on Bute: the evidence of place-names. In: Duffy, P. (ed.) One Island, Many Voices: Bute, Archaeology and the Discover Bute Landscape Partnership Scheme. Shaun Tyas, pp. 98-99. ISBN 9781907730238


Markus, G. (2012) Adomnán's Law of the Innocents - 697. In: Mulhern, M.A. (ed.) Scottish Life and Society: The Law. Series: A compendium of Scottish ethnology (13). John Donald: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 47-61. ISBN 9781906566043

Markus, G. (2012) The Place-Names of Bute. Shaun Tyas: Donington, UK. ISBN 9781907730153

Markus, G. (2012) Review of Pictish Progress: Studies on Northern Britain in the early Middle Ages. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 6, pp. 81-87. [Book Review]

Markus, G. (2012) From Goill to Gall-Ghàidheil: Scandinavian settlement in Bute. In: Ritchie, A. (ed.) Historic Bute: Land and People. Scottish Society for Northern Studies, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780953522644

Taylor, S. and Markus, G. (2012) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 5, Discussions, Glossaries and Edited Texts. Shaun Tyas: Donington, UK. ISBN 9781907730085


Markus, G. (2010) Adiutor Laborantium - a poem by Adomnán. In: Wooding, J.M., Aist, R., Clancy, T.O. and O’Loughlin, T. (eds.) Adomnán of Iona: Theologian, Lawmaker, Peacemaker. Four Courts Press: Dublin, Ireland, pp. 145-161. ISBN 9781846821028

Taylor, S. and Markus, G. (2010) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 4, North Fife Between Eden and Tay. Shaun Tyas: Donington. ISBN 9781907730061


Markus, G. (2009) Dewars and relics in Scotland: some clarifications and questions. Innes Review, 60(2), pp. 95-144. (doi: 10.3366/E0020157X09000493)

Márkus, G. (2009) Balinclog: a lost parish in Ayrshire. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 3, pp. 47-64.

Márkus, G. (2009) Diormit: Columba's right-hand man. Innes Review, 60(2), pp. 164-169. (doi: 10.3366/E0020157X09000511)

Márkus, G. (2009) Power and Protection: the Torbhlaren Bell, its Shrine and the Relic Tradition. Kilmartin House Museum.

Taylor, S. and Márkus, G. (2009) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 3, St Andrews and the East Neuk. Shaun Tyas: Donington,. ISBN 9781900289979


Márkus, G. (2008) Reading the place-names of a monastic landscape: Balmerino Abbey. In: Oram, R. (ed.) Life on the edge : the Cistercian Abbey of Balmerino, Fife (Scotland). Cîteaux. ISBN 9782960064711

Márkus, G. (2008) Saints and boundaries: the pass of St Mocha and St Kessog's bell. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 2, pp. 69-84.

Márkus, G. (2008) The Sick and the Dying in the Book of Deer. In: Forsyth, K. (ed.) Studies on the Book of Deer. Four Courts Press: Dublin, pp. 67-97. ISBN 9781851825691

Markus, G. (2008) Adomnán's Law of the Innocents: A seventh century law for the protection of non-combatants. Kilmartin House Trust: Kilmartin, Scotland. ISBN 9780953367436

Taylor, S. and Márkus, G. (2008) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 2, Central Fife Between the Rivers Leven and Eden. Shaun Tyas: Donington, UK. ISBN 9781900289931


Markus, G. (2007) Gaelic under pressure: a thirteenth-century charter from East Fife. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 1, pp. 77-98.

Markus, G. (2007) Saving verse: early medieval religious poetry. In: Brown, I. (ed.) Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 91-102. ISBN 9780748616152


Taylor, S. and Markus, G. (2006) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 1, West Fife between Leven and Forth. Shaun Tyas: Donington. ISBN 9781900289771


Markus, G. (2005) Pelagianism and the 'Common Celtic Church'. Innes Review, 56(2), pp. 165-213.

Markus, G. (2005) St Michael's Chapel, Bruach Mhor. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, pp. 76-77.


Markus, G. (2004) Tracing Emon: Insula Sancti Columbae de Emonia. Innes Review, 55, pp. 1-9.


Markus, G. (2001) Christianity, conversion to', (78-9). In: Lynch, M. (ed.) Oxford Companion to Scottish History. Oxford University Press, pp. 78-79. ISBN 9780192116963

Markus, G. (2001) Religious life - early medieval' (509-10). In: Lynch, M. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Scottish History. Oxford University Press, pp. 509-510. ISBN 9780192116963

This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 06:51:03 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 31.


Markus, G. (2017) Adomnán, two saints, and the paschal controversy. Innes Review, 68(1), pp. 1-18. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2017.0127)

Markus, G. (2009) Dewars and relics in Scotland: some clarifications and questions. Innes Review, 60(2), pp. 95-144. (doi: 10.3366/E0020157X09000493)

Márkus, G. (2009) Balinclog: a lost parish in Ayrshire. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 3, pp. 47-64.

Márkus, G. (2009) Diormit: Columba's right-hand man. Innes Review, 60(2), pp. 164-169. (doi: 10.3366/E0020157X09000511)

Márkus, G. (2008) Saints and boundaries: the pass of St Mocha and St Kessog's bell. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 2, pp. 69-84.

Markus, G. (2007) Gaelic under pressure: a thirteenth-century charter from East Fife. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 1, pp. 77-98.

Markus, G. (2005) Pelagianism and the 'Common Celtic Church'. Innes Review, 56(2), pp. 165-213.

Markus, G. (2005) St Michael's Chapel, Bruach Mhor. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, pp. 76-77.

Markus, G. (2004) Tracing Emon: Insula Sancti Columbae de Emonia. Innes Review, 55, pp. 1-9.


Markus, G. (2018) Rock-Rider: Saint Conval and his Church at Inchinnan. Inchinnan Historical Interest Group: Inchinnan, Scotland.

Markus, G. (2015) Brilliant Flame: St Munnu in medieval literature and his church at Kilmun in Cowal. Kilmartin Museum Trust: Kilmartin, Scotland. ISBN 9780953367450

Markus, G. (2012) The Place-Names of Bute. Shaun Tyas: Donington, UK. ISBN 9781907730153

Taylor, S. and Markus, G. (2012) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 5, Discussions, Glossaries and Edited Texts. Shaun Tyas: Donington, UK. ISBN 9781907730085

Taylor, S. and Markus, G. (2010) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 4, North Fife Between Eden and Tay. Shaun Tyas: Donington. ISBN 9781907730061

Márkus, G. (2009) Power and Protection: the Torbhlaren Bell, its Shrine and the Relic Tradition. Kilmartin House Museum.

Taylor, S. and Márkus, G. (2009) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 3, St Andrews and the East Neuk. Shaun Tyas: Donington,. ISBN 9781900289979

Markus, G. (2008) Adomnán's Law of the Innocents: A seventh century law for the protection of non-combatants. Kilmartin House Trust: Kilmartin, Scotland. ISBN 9780953367436

Taylor, S. and Márkus, G. (2008) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 2, Central Fife Between the Rivers Leven and Eden. Shaun Tyas: Donington, UK. ISBN 9781900289931

Taylor, S. and Markus, G. (2006) The Place-Names of Fife. Vol. 1, West Fife between Leven and Forth. Shaun Tyas: Donington. ISBN 9781900289771

Book Sections

Markus, G. (2013) Norse Settlement on Bute: the evidence of place-names. In: Duffy, P. (ed.) One Island, Many Voices: Bute, Archaeology and the Discover Bute Landscape Partnership Scheme. Shaun Tyas, pp. 98-99. ISBN 9781907730238

Markus, G. (2012) Adomnán's Law of the Innocents - 697. In: Mulhern, M.A. (ed.) Scottish Life and Society: The Law. Series: A compendium of Scottish ethnology (13). John Donald: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 47-61. ISBN 9781906566043

Markus, G. (2012) From Goill to Gall-Ghàidheil: Scandinavian settlement in Bute. In: Ritchie, A. (ed.) Historic Bute: Land and People. Scottish Society for Northern Studies, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780953522644

Markus, G. (2010) Adiutor Laborantium - a poem by Adomnán. In: Wooding, J.M., Aist, R., Clancy, T.O. and O’Loughlin, T. (eds.) Adomnán of Iona: Theologian, Lawmaker, Peacemaker. Four Courts Press: Dublin, Ireland, pp. 145-161. ISBN 9781846821028

Márkus, G. (2008) Reading the place-names of a monastic landscape: Balmerino Abbey. In: Oram, R. (ed.) Life on the edge : the Cistercian Abbey of Balmerino, Fife (Scotland). Cîteaux. ISBN 9782960064711

Márkus, G. (2008) The Sick and the Dying in the Book of Deer. In: Forsyth, K. (ed.) Studies on the Book of Deer. Four Courts Press: Dublin, pp. 67-97. ISBN 9781851825691

Markus, G. (2007) Saving verse: early medieval religious poetry. In: Brown, I. (ed.) Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 91-102. ISBN 9780748616152

Markus, G. (2001) Christianity, conversion to', (78-9). In: Lynch, M. (ed.) Oxford Companion to Scottish History. Oxford University Press, pp. 78-79. ISBN 9780192116963

Markus, G. (2001) Religious life - early medieval' (509-10). In: Lynch, M. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Scottish History. Oxford University Press, pp. 509-510. ISBN 9780192116963

Book Reviews

Markus, G. (2013) Review of Karen Eileen Overbey, Sacral Geographies: Saints, Shrines and Territory in Medieval Ireland. Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages 2. Innes Review, 64(1), pp. 73-78. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2013.0050)[Book Review]

Markus, G. (2012) Review of Pictish Progress: Studies on Northern Britain in the early Middle Ages. Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 6, pp. 81-87. [Book Review]


Clancy, T. and Markus, G. (2018) Place-Names of Kirkcudbrightshire: Project Blogs. [Website]

This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 06:51:03 2025 GMT.