Welcome to new colleagues

Published: 15 May 2018

A very warm welcome to all who have recently joined IHW – we wish you well in your new role and look forward to working with you!

A very warm welcome to the following colleagues who have joined IHW in recent weeks. We wish you well in your new role and look forward to working with you!

Photo of wooden welcome sign on garden shed

New staff

Katie Dudman (Robertson Centre for Biostatistics)
Baltazar Banang Mtenga (Public Health)
Ben Rigby (MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit)

New PGR students 

Yuejiao Duan (Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment)

If you have recently joined us and are not listed above, apologies - do let us know and we will add your name to next month's "Welcome" page!

‌New colleague coffee mornings

Photo of refreshments for IHW new staff coffee morning June 2018All new staff and students are welcome to join us at our quarterly new staff coffee mornings, which are usually held in Public Health (1 Lilybank Gardens) but are currently taking place via Zoom.

If you have recently joined the institute, and haven't yet attended, you will receive a specific invitation in due course. Do please join us at one of these friendly, informal events, for tea/coffee, fruit and homebaking, and an opportunity to chat with other new staff and students, and meet IHW director, Jill Pell, and the IHW admin team, Asha Costigan, Audrey Dickie and Jane Goodfellow.

Find out the dates and times of future new colleague events

First published: 15 May 2018