Congratulations to...

Published: 28 June 2018

Celebrating the recent achievements of Institute of Health and Wellbeing staff and students

 Photo of fireworks

  • Claire Niedzwiedz, formerly of Mental Health and Wellbeing and now based in General Practice and Primary Care, on being awarded the Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith Fellowship. Claire will be looking at understanding the causes and consequences of anxiety and its relationship with chronic health conditions using a range of secondary data sources.
  • MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit's Claire Goodfellow, awarded an ESRC postdoctoral fellowship with Jo Inchley (SPHSU) as her mentor. The fellowship will build on her PhD research, which investigated youth mental health stigma and other barriers to help-seeking. It will be built around co-production with young people and will also include some research into the effects of stigma among young people in rural and remote communities.
  • MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit's Susie Smillie, one of four winners of the 2021 UofG Research Culture Awards for her support, guidance and training for researchers undertaking emotionally demanding research. 
  • MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit's Michele Hilton Boon, one of a group of MVLS ECR reps commended in the 2021 UofG Research Culture Awards for representing the interests of the ECR community and improving the experience of all ECRs across the college. 
  • General Practice and Primary Care's David Blane, winner of the 2020/21 IHW Fantasy Football championship with his team Man-chesthair United. John McHugh’s JohnBhoys were second for the second consecutive season just 25 points behind. Kicker Conspiracy (Robbie Wilson) were third and The Special Ones (Nai Rui Chng) completed the top four. So it’s General Practice colours for the trophy this year which passes from the 2019/2020 winner David Jamieson to David Blane. 

If we have missed a recent achievement, award or honour, do let us know and we will add it to next month's HAWKEYE!

First published: 28 June 2018