Student Advising System in the School of Engineering

Welcome to the School of Engineering.  The purpose of this short note is to make you aware of the Undergraduate Advising System we have in the School which is available to support you in your studies.  As soon as you register with us you will be allocated an Adviser of Studies.  You can easily find out who this is by logging in to your MyCampus account.

I should make it clear that your adviser is not a tutor – he/she will not be able to help you with problems relating to your course material (you should contact the course lecturer for this).  Your adviser of studies is there to help you with any other problems you might experience which affects your ability to study.  They will also help you with issues relating to academic progress, curriculum choices and career matters.

During the first two weeks of the semester you will be contacted by your adviser and invited to meet him/her.  This is simply to give you a chance to meet your adviser for the first time, and should only take a few minutes – please attend this meeting. 

Our intention is that you should keep the same adviser throughout your degree study and he/she will be able to provide you with reference letters and recommendations when you come to apply for a placement, internship or a permanent job after graduation.

During the semester if you should have problems, medical or personal, for example, you can ask for an appointment to see your adviser (usually by e-mail).  If your adviser can’t help you directly, the University has many central student support services (counselling, financial advice chaplaincy etc) and your adviser will point you to the correct service to help you.  Anything you tell your adviser will be held in the strictest confidence.

If you miss any classes (say due to illness) please report them using the Student Absence system on MyCampus.  If during the exam period you are ill and this causes you to miss an exam or you feel your performance has been affected, please use the Good Cause reporting system on MyCampus.

Advisers are also busy academics and may have commitments with teaching and research or may indeed be off-campus for periods of time.  If you cannot contact your adviser of studies please contact the Teaching Office (see contact details below) who will direct you to the Senior Adviser for your discipline. 

As Chief Adviser I’m always available to all students if you have any questions or problems you want to talk to me about.  Please enjoy your time studying with us. 

Useful Contacts:

Chief Adviser of Studies   

Dr Douglas Thomson               0141 330 6145

School Teaching Office    

Rm 620, James Watt Bld                                                                    0141 330 7558

Student enquiries should be raised via the "Science & Engineering Student Queries" tile at the University Helpdesk.

Student Services                

Fraser Building                             0141 330 7000



Senior Adviser



Dr Richard Green


Dr Manlio Tassieri


Mrs Linda Brown


Professor Vihar Georgiev


Dr Paul Prentice