Mr Stephen Boyle

  • Lecturer (Educational Leadership & Policy)

telephone: 01413303406

R502 North Wing, Stab, Glasgow G3 6HN

Import to contacts

Research interests

Stephen is currently undertaking research investigating the use of film for professional learning. This will study practitioners' use of film-making through association with Aristotlean concepts of ethos, pathos and logos. Related research questions posed include:

  • To what extent, if any, can practitioners' use of film-making enhance professional learning and related service provision?
  • How can professional identity (including moral purpose) be enhanced, if at all, through practitioners' use of film-making?

Another current project (in collaboration with Ms. Jacqueline Horsburgh) involves consideration of the role and identity of support staff in schools and childhood practice. Comparisons will be made with 'paras' in other professions, for example paramedics or paralegals. Investigations will focus on the sustainability of extant structures and suggestions for evolving the role of such staff in schools and childhood practice.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2020 | 2018 | 2014 | 2011 | 2009
Number of items: 8.


Wingrave, M., Boyle, S., Black, E. and Orr, C. (2020) The standard for childhood practice - 10 years on. Researching Education Bulletin, 9, pp. 5-9.


Boyle, S., McKinstry, D. and McLaughlin, K. (2018) Digital learning. In: Carroll, M. and McCulloch, M. (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. Second Edition. SAGE Publications Ltd: London, pp. 251-268. ISBN 9781526421173


Elliot, D. , Wilson, D. and Boyle, S. (2014) Science learning via multimedia portal resources: the Scottish case. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(4), pp. 571-580. (doi: 10.1111/bjet.12085)

Boyle, S. and McKinstry, D. (2014) Digital learning. In: Carroll, M. and McCulloch, M. (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. SAGE: London. ISBN 9781446254820


Elliot, D.L. , Wilson, D. and Boyle, S. (2011) Can Glow Science resources increase creativity and innovation in Scottish classrooms? In: European Conference on Education Research (ECER), Berlin, Germany, 13-16 Sep 2011, (Unpublished)

Elliot, D.L. , Wilson, D. and Boyle, S. (2011) GlowScience Evaluation. [Research Reports or Papers]


Baumfield, V. and Boyle, S. (2009) Border crossings: Developing 'M'ness in Post-graduate Initial Teacher Education. In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Royal George Hotel, Perth, Thurs 26th - Sat 28th November, (Unpublished)

Boyle, S. (2009) E-portfolios for PDP: using Mahara. In: Personal Development Planning (PDP) in Action: Student-Centred Approaches and Evaluating Effectiveness, University of Edinburgh, 22 April 2009, (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 08:11:08 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 8.


Wingrave, M., Boyle, S., Black, E. and Orr, C. (2020) The standard for childhood practice - 10 years on. Researching Education Bulletin, 9, pp. 5-9.

Elliot, D. , Wilson, D. and Boyle, S. (2014) Science learning via multimedia portal resources: the Scottish case. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(4), pp. 571-580. (doi: 10.1111/bjet.12085)

Book Sections

Boyle, S., McKinstry, D. and McLaughlin, K. (2018) Digital learning. In: Carroll, M. and McCulloch, M. (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. Second Edition. SAGE Publications Ltd: London, pp. 251-268. ISBN 9781526421173

Boyle, S. and McKinstry, D. (2014) Digital learning. In: Carroll, M. and McCulloch, M. (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. SAGE: London. ISBN 9781446254820

Research Reports or Papers

Elliot, D.L. , Wilson, D. and Boyle, S. (2011) GlowScience Evaluation. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Elliot, D.L. , Wilson, D. and Boyle, S. (2011) Can Glow Science resources increase creativity and innovation in Scottish classrooms? In: European Conference on Education Research (ECER), Berlin, Germany, 13-16 Sep 2011, (Unpublished)

Baumfield, V. and Boyle, S. (2009) Border crossings: Developing 'M'ness in Post-graduate Initial Teacher Education. In: Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Conference, Royal George Hotel, Perth, Thurs 26th - Sat 28th November, (Unpublished)

Boyle, S. (2009) E-portfolios for PDP: using Mahara. In: Personal Development Planning (PDP) in Action: Student-Centred Approaches and Evaluating Effectiveness, University of Edinburgh, 22 April 2009, (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 08:11:08 2025 GMT.


Stephen is an expert in the use of technology enhanced teaching and learning. He achieved a world first by designing and implementing a Masters’ level course on the use of interactive ICT devices for teachers. He created an innovative eLearning and Communications Development course that progresses the professionalisation of childhood practice leaders through an eportfolio system enhancing self-regulated communities of enquiry. Stephen is involved in using MIE (moving image education) to develop the social and thinking skills of school pupils and university students; one recent project commissioned by the Scottish Government being FAST (Film and Science Teaching), designed to re-invigorate science teaching in the primary school whilst a work in progress is a website to share university students’ uses of ICT via online video thereby developing social entrepreneurship.