Dr Leonardo Franchi

  • Lecturer (Pedagogy, Praxis & Faith)

telephone: 01413303433
email: Leonardo.Franchi@glasgow.ac.uk

R530a Level 5, St Andrews Building, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-0646-0975


Leonardo Franchi teaches on a range of undergraduate courses and supervises masters / doctoral dissertations. He is a member of the Executive of the Association of Catholic Institutes of Education (a reserach group of the International Federation of Catholic Universities) and in September 2024 was appointed as co-convenor of the Scottish Catholic Historical Association.  

Leonardo is a Series Editor for Catholic Education Globally - Challenges and Opportunities (Springer) and Education and Integral Human Development (Catholic University of America Press).

Leonardo is also Professor of Catholic Education in the University of Notre Dame Australia.




Research interests

Leonardo has made a significant scholarly contribution to the study of Catholic education. He has co-written and co-edited the Reclaiming the Piazza series. His scholarly interests include religious education, teacher formation and the potential of the liberal arts to shape higher education. He would be delighted to hear from prospective PhD students with an interest in the areas highlighted above.

NB: Please see our webpage on PhD studies for further information on how to apply for doctoral study at the University of Glasgow.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2003 | 2002
Number of items: 76.


Franchi, L. (2025) Catholic Action in Scotland: The early years of the Guild of Catholic Teachers. In: Power, M. and Bush, J. (eds.) Lay Catholic Societies in Twentieth Century Britain. Series: Catholic record society: monograph series. Boydell & Brewer: Suffolk. ISBN 9780902832367 (In Press)


Franchi, L. (2024) Shared Mission: Religious Education in the Catholic Tradition, Revised Edition. Series: Education and integral human development. Catholic Education Press / Catholic University of America Press: Washington, D.C.. ISBN 9781949822403

Franchi, L. (2024) Catholic social teaching and the role of the state in education. In: Booth, P. and Azevedo Aves, A. (eds.) Freedom, Globalisation, Enterprise and Civil Society in 21st century Catholic Social Teaching. St Mary’s University Press: London.


Franchi, L. (2023) Lights for the Path, by John Sullivan. Heythrop Journal, (doi: 10.1111/heyj.14234)[Book Review] (Early Online Publication)

Franchi, L. (2023) Thomas Shields and the Renewal of Catholic Education. Series: Education and integral human development. Catholic Education Press /Catholic University of America Press. ISBN 9781949822380

Franchi, L. (2023) Editorial: Catholic education and the liberal arts. Religions, 14(4), 539. (doi: 10.3390/rel14040539)

Franchi, L. (2023) Thomas Shields, music and character formation. International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics, 4(1), pp. 45-61.


Franchi, L. (2022) The formation of character in education: from Aristotle to the 21st Century. International Studies in Catholic Education, 14(2), pp. 247-249. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2021.1949155)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. and Rymarz, R. (Eds.) (2022) Formation of Teachers for Catholic Schools: Challenges and Opportunities in a New Era. Series: Catholic education globally: challenges and opportunities. Springer: Singapore. ISBN 9789811947261


Convery, R., Franchi, L. and Valero, J. (Eds.) (2021) Reclaiming the Piazza III: Communicating Catholic Culture. Gracewing: Leominster. ISBN 9780852449523

Franchi, L. (2021) Brian Pedraza, Catechesis for the New Evangelization: Vatican II, John Paul II, and the Unity of Revelation and Experience. Innes Review, 72(1), pp. 97-99. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2021.0297)[Book Review]

Blackman, A. and Franchi, L. (2021) Fratelli tutti and the dialogic spirit of Catholic Higher Education: a reflection on Christian Humanism and online learning. EducA: International Catholic Journal of Education, 7, pp. 50-58.

Davis, R. and Franchi, L. (2021) Catholic education and the idea of curriculum. Journal of Catholic Education, 24(2), pp. 104-119. (doi: 10.15365/joce.2402062021)

Franchi, L. (2021) Reshaping religious education. Review of Religious Education and Theology, 2021(1), pp. 127-140.


Franchi, L. (2020) Stephen Bullivant, Mass exodus: Catholic disaffiliation in Britain and America since Vatican II. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2019. 309 pp. £22 hardback. ISBN 9780198837947. Innes Review, 71(1), pp. 134-136. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0260)[Book Review]


Franchi, L. (2019) Anchoring authority. Church Life Journal(Oct 22),

Rymarz, R. and Franchi, L. (2019) Catholic Teacher Preparation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Preparing for Mission. Series: Emerald studies in teacher preparation in national and global contexts. Emerald Publishing. ISBN 9781787560079 (doi: 10.1108/9781787560062)

Franchi, L. (2019) John Watts, A Beautiful Fragrance The Story of Margaret Sinclair in Words and Pictures, text by John Watts. Innes Review, 70(1), pp. 106-109. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2019.0219)[Book Review]


Franchi, L. (2018) Authentic religious education: A question of language? Religions, 9(12), 403. (doi: 10.3390/rel9120403)

Franchi, L. (Ed.) (2018) Catholicism, Culture, Education. L'Harmattan: Paris. ISBN 9782343162522

Franchi, L. (2018) Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing the Catholic Faith from Childhood to Adolescence for Parents, Teachers, Catechists and School Administrators. Catechetical Review, 4(4), p. 33. [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2018) RE and Catholic education: a Scottish perspective. In: Whittle, S. (ed.) Researching Catholic Education: Contemporary Perspectives. Springer: Singapore, pp. 219-230. ISBN 9789811078071 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7808-8_17)

Franchi, L. and Robinson, L. (2018) Religious and moral education. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 490-496. ISBN 9781474437844


Franchi, L. (2017) The importance of reading. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal, 28, pp. 15-16.

Franchi, L. and Rymarz, R. (2017) The education of teachers for Catholic schools: responding to changed cultural contexts. International Studies in Catholic Education, 9(1), pp. 2-16. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2017.1286905)

Convery, R., Franchi, L. and McCluskey, R. (Eds.) (2017) Reclaiming the Piazza II: Catholic Education and the New Evangelisation. Gracewing: Leominster. ISBN 978085244899

Franchi, L. (2017) Catholic schools and the new evangelisation. In: Convery, R., Franchi, L. and McCluskey, R. (eds.) Reclaiming the Piazza II: Catholic Education and the New Evangelisation. Gracewing, pp. 73-88. ISBN 978085244899

Franchi, L. (2017) Faith, mission and challenge in Catholic education: the selected works of Gerald Grace. International Studies in Catholic Education, 9(2), pp. 236-239. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2017.1360615)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2017) Jean-Baptise de La Salle and the education of teachers. In: Jamet, C. and Nafti-Malherbe, C. (eds.) Éduquer Aujourd’hui: Mutations et Permanences. Contributions à la reflexion universitaire autour de l’éducation. Les Acteurs du Savoir: Angers. ISBN 9791097108106

Franchi, L. (2017) Shared Mission: Religious Education in the Catholic Tradition. Scepter: Hounslow. ISBN 9781910644072


Franchi, L. (2016) Catholic education and intercultural dialogue. Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 19(4), pp. 117-139. (doi: 10.1353/log.2016.0036)

Franchi, L. (2016) Being open to others in Catholic schools. EducA: International Journal of Catholic Education, 2,

Franchi, L. (2016) Initial teacher education in the university ‘My little ship, how ill-laden you are’. European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(2), pp. 147-158. (doi: 10.1080/02619768.2015.1116514)

Franchi, L. (2016) Laudato Si’ and ecological education: implications for Catholic education. Pensamiento Educativo: Journal of Latin American Educational Research, 53(2), pp. 1-13.

Franchi, L. , Conroy, J. and McKinney, S. (2016) Religious education. In: Wyse, D., Hayward, L. and Pandya, J.Z. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. SAGE. ISBN 9781446297025


Franchi, L. (2015) Catholic Schools and the Future of the Church (Book Review). Journal of Catholic Education, 19(1), pp. 251-254. (doi: 10.15365/joce.1901132015)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2015) Per riscoprire la lingua madre dell ‘Europa. Osservatore Romano, p. 6.

Franchi, L. (2015) Rediscovering the mother tongue of Europe. Osservatore Romano: Weekly Edition in English, p. 3.

Franchi, L. (2015) Dynamics of Catholic Education: Letting the Catholic School Be School by Louis DeThomasis. Journal of Catholic Education, 18(2), pp. 234-237. (doi: 10.15365/joce.1802122015)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2015) Catholic education evolves with diversity. Flourish: Journal of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, p. 8.

Franchi, L. , Conroy, J. and McKinney, S. (2015) Religious education. In: Wyse, D., Hayward, L. and Pandya, J. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. Sage Publications: London. ISBN 9781446297025


Franchi, L. (2014) La escuela católica como “atrio de los gentiles”. Palabra, pp. 54-57.

Franchi, L. (2014) The Catholic school as a courtyard of the Gentiles. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 17(2), pp. 57-76.

Franchi, L. (2014) Parish reorganisation - pruning for growth. Flourish, p. 13.

Franchi, L. and Robinson, L. (2014) Spiritual development. In: Carroll, M. and McCulloch, M. (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. SAGE: London. ISBN 9781446254820

Franchi, L. (2014) Shining the light of Faith in teacher education. Scottish Catholic Observer, p. 10.

Convery, R., Franchi, L. and McCluskey, R. (2014) Reclaiming the Piazza: Catholic Education as a Cultural Project. Gracewing: Leominster. ISBN 9780852448441


Franchi, L. (2013) Review of A Reason Open to God: On Universities, Education and Culture by J. Steven Brown, Ed. MarcatorNet, [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2013) The professional identity of the Catholic teacher. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal, 19, pp. 4-5.

Davis, R.A. and Franchi, L. (2013) A Catholic curriculum for the 21st century. International Studies in Catholic Education, 5(1), pp. 36-52. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2012.754587)

Franchi, L. (2013) Catechesis and religious education: a case study from Scotland. Religious Education, 108(5), pp. 467-481. (doi: 10.1080/00344087.2013.835640)

Franchi, L. (2013) Words are not enough: the teacher in the writings of St. Augustine. In: McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S.J. (eds.) How the Teacher is Represented in Literature, History, Religion and the Arts: Cross Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lampeter, UK. ISBN 9780773445208

Franchi, L. (2013) Review of Teaching the Tradition: Catholic Themes in Academic Disciplines (John Piderit and Melanie Morey, Eds.). Antiphon, 17(2), pp. 208-209. [Book Review]


Franchi, L. (2012) Review of Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Reform of the Liturgy Proceedings from the 29th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars: Kansas City, Missouri September 22-24 2006 (Kenneth D. Whitehead, Editor). Usus Antiquior, 3(2), pp. 182-183. (doi: 10.1179/1757894912Z.00000000020)[Book Review]


Franchi, L. (2011) Review of Communicating Faith (John Sullivan Ed.). Flourish, p. 8. [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2011) Healing the wounds: St Augustine, catechesis and religious education today. Religious Education, 106(3), pp. 299-311. (doi: 10.1080/00344087.2011.569656)

Franchi, L. (2011) Review of First Communion: Ritual, Church and Popular Religious Identity (Peter McGrail). Usus Antiquior, 2(1), pp. 78-80. (doi: 10.1179/175789411X12887800389058)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (Eds.) (2011) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

Coll, R. (2011) Contributing to the pastoral and spiritual life of the Catholic school. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, Herefordshire, pp. 210-224. ISBN 9780852447574

Franchi, L. (2011) Active participation in the liturgy. In: Franchi, L. and MacKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

Franchi, L. (2011) Can we have 'Second Spring' of Catholic Higher Education? Journal of Catholic Higher Education, 30(1), pp. 39-56.

Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (2011) An introduction to Catholic theological thinking. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574


Franchi, L. (2010) Review of Why Choose the Liberal Arts? by Mark William Roche. MarcatorNet, [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2010) Review of Why the Dreyfus Affair Matters by Louis Begley. MercatorNet, [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2010) Review of Universal Father: A Life of Pope John Paul II (Garry O'Connor) and Labourers in the Vineyard: A Portrait of Pope Benedict XVI (Greg Watts). Expository Times, 121(8), pp. 425-426. (doi: 10.1177/00145246101210080827)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2010) Liturgical reform. Scottish Catholic Observer,


Franchi, L. (2009) Review of Look at Me: Celebrating the Self in Modern Britain by Peter Whittle. MercatorNet, [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2009) Timely research informs faith schools’ fevered debate. Review of Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century, edited by Stephen McKinney. Flourish, p. 19. [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2009) Continuity in Catholic education. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 10(3), pp. 6-7.


Franchi, L. (2008) Summorum Pontificum and the Catholic primary school. Pastoral Review, 4(1),


Franchi, L. (Ed.) (2007) An anthology of Catholic teaching on education. Scepter: London. ISBN 9780906138694

Franchi, L. (2007) Teacher education and the use of the compendium. Sower, 28(3), pp. 36-37.


Franchi, L. (2006) Review of People of the Gospel (Jerome Bertram). Sower, p. 37. [Book Review]


Franchi, L. (2003) Visions of Spain. Mentor Magazine, 8(3), pp. 36-37.

Franchi, L. (2003) A visit to Fatima. Mentor Magazine, 8(1), p. 23.


Franchi, L. (2002) The vision of Dorothy L. Sayers. Mentor Magazine, 7(13), pp. 16-17.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 21:34:16 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 76.


Franchi, L. (2023) Editorial: Catholic education and the liberal arts. Religions, 14(4), 539. (doi: 10.3390/rel14040539)

Franchi, L. (2023) Thomas Shields, music and character formation. International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics, 4(1), pp. 45-61.

Blackman, A. and Franchi, L. (2021) Fratelli tutti and the dialogic spirit of Catholic Higher Education: a reflection on Christian Humanism and online learning. EducA: International Catholic Journal of Education, 7, pp. 50-58.

Davis, R. and Franchi, L. (2021) Catholic education and the idea of curriculum. Journal of Catholic Education, 24(2), pp. 104-119. (doi: 10.15365/joce.2402062021)

Franchi, L. (2021) Reshaping religious education. Review of Religious Education and Theology, 2021(1), pp. 127-140.

Franchi, L. (2019) Anchoring authority. Church Life Journal(Oct 22),

Franchi, L. (2018) Authentic religious education: A question of language? Religions, 9(12), 403. (doi: 10.3390/rel9120403)

Franchi, L. (2017) The importance of reading. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal, 28, pp. 15-16.

Franchi, L. and Rymarz, R. (2017) The education of teachers for Catholic schools: responding to changed cultural contexts. International Studies in Catholic Education, 9(1), pp. 2-16. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2017.1286905)

Franchi, L. (2016) Catholic education and intercultural dialogue. Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 19(4), pp. 117-139. (doi: 10.1353/log.2016.0036)

Franchi, L. (2016) Being open to others in Catholic schools. EducA: International Journal of Catholic Education, 2,

Franchi, L. (2016) Initial teacher education in the university ‘My little ship, how ill-laden you are’. European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(2), pp. 147-158. (doi: 10.1080/02619768.2015.1116514)

Franchi, L. (2016) Laudato Si’ and ecological education: implications for Catholic education. Pensamiento Educativo: Journal of Latin American Educational Research, 53(2), pp. 1-13.

Franchi, L. (2015) Per riscoprire la lingua madre dell ‘Europa. Osservatore Romano, p. 6.

Franchi, L. (2015) Rediscovering the mother tongue of Europe. Osservatore Romano: Weekly Edition in English, p. 3.

Franchi, L. (2015) Catholic education evolves with diversity. Flourish: Journal of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, p. 8.

Franchi, L. (2014) La escuela católica como “atrio de los gentiles”. Palabra, pp. 54-57.

Franchi, L. (2014) The Catholic school as a courtyard of the Gentiles. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 17(2), pp. 57-76.

Franchi, L. (2014) Parish reorganisation - pruning for growth. Flourish, p. 13.

Franchi, L. (2014) Shining the light of Faith in teacher education. Scottish Catholic Observer, p. 10.

Franchi, L. (2013) The professional identity of the Catholic teacher. Chéile: A Catholic School Ethos Journal, 19, pp. 4-5.

Davis, R.A. and Franchi, L. (2013) A Catholic curriculum for the 21st century. International Studies in Catholic Education, 5(1), pp. 36-52. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2012.754587)

Franchi, L. (2013) Catechesis and religious education: a case study from Scotland. Religious Education, 108(5), pp. 467-481. (doi: 10.1080/00344087.2013.835640)

Franchi, L. (2011) Healing the wounds: St Augustine, catechesis and religious education today. Religious Education, 106(3), pp. 299-311. (doi: 10.1080/00344087.2011.569656)

Franchi, L. (2011) Can we have 'Second Spring' of Catholic Higher Education? Journal of Catholic Higher Education, 30(1), pp. 39-56.

Franchi, L. (2010) Liturgical reform. Scottish Catholic Observer,

Franchi, L. (2009) Continuity in Catholic education. Networking: Catholic Education Today, 10(3), pp. 6-7.

Franchi, L. (2008) Summorum Pontificum and the Catholic primary school. Pastoral Review, 4(1),

Franchi, L. (2007) Teacher education and the use of the compendium. Sower, 28(3), pp. 36-37.

Franchi, L. (2003) Visions of Spain. Mentor Magazine, 8(3), pp. 36-37.

Franchi, L. (2003) A visit to Fatima. Mentor Magazine, 8(1), p. 23.

Franchi, L. (2002) The vision of Dorothy L. Sayers. Mentor Magazine, 7(13), pp. 16-17.


Franchi, L. (2024) Shared Mission: Religious Education in the Catholic Tradition, Revised Edition. Series: Education and integral human development. Catholic Education Press / Catholic University of America Press: Washington, D.C.. ISBN 9781949822403

Franchi, L. (2023) Thomas Shields and the Renewal of Catholic Education. Series: Education and integral human development. Catholic Education Press /Catholic University of America Press. ISBN 9781949822380

Rymarz, R. and Franchi, L. (2019) Catholic Teacher Preparation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Preparing for Mission. Series: Emerald studies in teacher preparation in national and global contexts. Emerald Publishing. ISBN 9781787560079 (doi: 10.1108/9781787560062)

Franchi, L. (2017) Shared Mission: Religious Education in the Catholic Tradition. Scepter: Hounslow. ISBN 9781910644072

Convery, R., Franchi, L. and McCluskey, R. (2014) Reclaiming the Piazza: Catholic Education as a Cultural Project. Gracewing: Leominster. ISBN 9780852448441

Book Sections

Franchi, L. (2025) Catholic Action in Scotland: The early years of the Guild of Catholic Teachers. In: Power, M. and Bush, J. (eds.) Lay Catholic Societies in Twentieth Century Britain. Series: Catholic record society: monograph series. Boydell & Brewer: Suffolk. ISBN 9780902832367 (In Press)

Franchi, L. (2024) Catholic social teaching and the role of the state in education. In: Booth, P. and Azevedo Aves, A. (eds.) Freedom, Globalisation, Enterprise and Civil Society in 21st century Catholic Social Teaching. St Mary’s University Press: London.

Franchi, L. (2018) RE and Catholic education: a Scottish perspective. In: Whittle, S. (ed.) Researching Catholic Education: Contemporary Perspectives. Springer: Singapore, pp. 219-230. ISBN 9789811078071 (doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7808-8_17)

Franchi, L. and Robinson, L. (2018) Religious and moral education. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 490-496. ISBN 9781474437844

Franchi, L. (2017) Catholic schools and the new evangelisation. In: Convery, R., Franchi, L. and McCluskey, R. (eds.) Reclaiming the Piazza II: Catholic Education and the New Evangelisation. Gracewing, pp. 73-88. ISBN 978085244899

Franchi, L. (2017) Jean-Baptise de La Salle and the education of teachers. In: Jamet, C. and Nafti-Malherbe, C. (eds.) Éduquer Aujourd’hui: Mutations et Permanences. Contributions à la reflexion universitaire autour de l’éducation. Les Acteurs du Savoir: Angers. ISBN 9791097108106

Franchi, L. , Conroy, J. and McKinney, S. (2016) Religious education. In: Wyse, D., Hayward, L. and Pandya, J.Z. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. SAGE. ISBN 9781446297025

Franchi, L. , Conroy, J. and McKinney, S. (2015) Religious education. In: Wyse, D., Hayward, L. and Pandya, J. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment. Sage Publications: London. ISBN 9781446297025

Franchi, L. and Robinson, L. (2014) Spiritual development. In: Carroll, M. and McCulloch, M. (eds.) Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. SAGE: London. ISBN 9781446254820

Franchi, L. (2013) Words are not enough: the teacher in the writings of St. Augustine. In: McCluskey, R. and McKinney, S.J. (eds.) How the Teacher is Represented in Literature, History, Religion and the Arts: Cross Cultural Analysis of a Stereotype. Edwin Mellen Press: Lampeter, UK. ISBN 9780773445208

Coll, R. (2011) Contributing to the pastoral and spiritual life of the Catholic school. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, Herefordshire, pp. 210-224. ISBN 9780852447574

Franchi, L. (2011) Active participation in the liturgy. In: Franchi, L. and MacKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (2011) An introduction to Catholic theological thinking. In: Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (eds.) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

Book Reviews

Franchi, L. (2023) Lights for the Path, by John Sullivan. Heythrop Journal, (doi: 10.1111/heyj.14234)[Book Review] (Early Online Publication)

Franchi, L. (2022) The formation of character in education: from Aristotle to the 21st Century. International Studies in Catholic Education, 14(2), pp. 247-249. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2021.1949155)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2021) Brian Pedraza, Catechesis for the New Evangelization: Vatican II, John Paul II, and the Unity of Revelation and Experience. Innes Review, 72(1), pp. 97-99. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2021.0297)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2020) Stephen Bullivant, Mass exodus: Catholic disaffiliation in Britain and America since Vatican II. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2019. 309 pp. £22 hardback. ISBN 9780198837947. Innes Review, 71(1), pp. 134-136. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2020.0260)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2019) John Watts, A Beautiful Fragrance The Story of Margaret Sinclair in Words and Pictures, text by John Watts. Innes Review, 70(1), pp. 106-109. (doi: 10.3366/inr.2019.0219)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2018) Educating in Christ: A Practical Handbook for Developing the Catholic Faith from Childhood to Adolescence for Parents, Teachers, Catechists and School Administrators. Catechetical Review, 4(4), p. 33. [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2017) Faith, mission and challenge in Catholic education: the selected works of Gerald Grace. International Studies in Catholic Education, 9(2), pp. 236-239. (doi: 10.1080/19422539.2017.1360615)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2015) Catholic Schools and the Future of the Church (Book Review). Journal of Catholic Education, 19(1), pp. 251-254. (doi: 10.15365/joce.1901132015)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2015) Dynamics of Catholic Education: Letting the Catholic School Be School by Louis DeThomasis. Journal of Catholic Education, 18(2), pp. 234-237. (doi: 10.15365/joce.1802122015)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2013) Review of A Reason Open to God: On Universities, Education and Culture by J. Steven Brown, Ed. MarcatorNet, [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2013) Review of Teaching the Tradition: Catholic Themes in Academic Disciplines (John Piderit and Melanie Morey, Eds.). Antiphon, 17(2), pp. 208-209. [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2012) Review of Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Reform of the Liturgy Proceedings from the 29th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars: Kansas City, Missouri September 22-24 2006 (Kenneth D. Whitehead, Editor). Usus Antiquior, 3(2), pp. 182-183. (doi: 10.1179/1757894912Z.00000000020)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2011) Review of Communicating Faith (John Sullivan Ed.). Flourish, p. 8. [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2011) Review of First Communion: Ritual, Church and Popular Religious Identity (Peter McGrail). Usus Antiquior, 2(1), pp. 78-80. (doi: 10.1179/175789411X12887800389058)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2010) Review of Why Choose the Liberal Arts? by Mark William Roche. MarcatorNet, [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2010) Review of Why the Dreyfus Affair Matters by Louis Begley. MercatorNet, [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2010) Review of Universal Father: A Life of Pope John Paul II (Garry O'Connor) and Labourers in the Vineyard: A Portrait of Pope Benedict XVI (Greg Watts). Expository Times, 121(8), pp. 425-426. (doi: 10.1177/00145246101210080827)[Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2009) Review of Look at Me: Celebrating the Self in Modern Britain by Peter Whittle. MercatorNet, [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2009) Timely research informs faith schools’ fevered debate. Review of Faith Schools in the Twenty-first Century, edited by Stephen McKinney. Flourish, p. 19. [Book Review]

Franchi, L. (2006) Review of People of the Gospel (Jerome Bertram). Sower, p. 37. [Book Review]

Edited Books

Franchi, L. and Rymarz, R. (Eds.) (2022) Formation of Teachers for Catholic Schools: Challenges and Opportunities in a New Era. Series: Catholic education globally: challenges and opportunities. Springer: Singapore. ISBN 9789811947261

Convery, R., Franchi, L. and Valero, J. (Eds.) (2021) Reclaiming the Piazza III: Communicating Catholic Culture. Gracewing: Leominster. ISBN 9780852449523

Franchi, L. (Ed.) (2018) Catholicism, Culture, Education. L'Harmattan: Paris. ISBN 9782343162522

Convery, R., Franchi, L. and McCluskey, R. (Eds.) (2017) Reclaiming the Piazza II: Catholic Education and the New Evangelisation. Gracewing: Leominster. ISBN 978085244899

Franchi, L. and McKinney, S. (Eds.) (2011) A Companion to Catholic Education. Gracewing: Leominster, UK. ISBN 9780852447574

Franchi, L. (Ed.) (2007) An anthology of Catholic teaching on education. Scepter: London. ISBN 9780906138694

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 21:34:16 2025 GMT.



£10,000 from Porticus UK (Commercial Grant) to support academics from developing countries to attend the ACISE 2018 conference.


Leonardo welcomes applications for Masters and Doctoral supervision in areas related to Religion, Education and Culture.

Current Doctoral Research Supervision

  • To what extent are issues of professional identity essential for teachers in Catholic schools in Scotland in order to discharge effectively their responsibilities to the state and the Church? (Natalie Finnigan – PhD)
  • Music and Religious Education (Clare Fodey - PhD)
  • The Jesuit Charism in Education (Christiaan Hunt -PhD)
  • A liberal perspective on Catholic Education (Cath Browne -PhD)
  • Solidarity in Jesuits Higher Education (Laurien Nyiribakwe)

NB: Please see our webpage for information on how to apply for doctoral study at the University of Glasgow.

Completed Doctorates

  • The Perceptions and Views of Cypriot Teachers about a Cosmopolitan Future in Education (Frangis Frangopoulos - Ed D)
  • Music and Religious Education in Islam (Yusuf Ögretici - PhD)
  • Supporting non-specialist teachers of Music (Julie Carrie - Ed D)
  • COVID-19, Professional Identity and International Baccalaureate Programme Teachers (Diane Ciacoi - Ed D)
  • Religious Education and Inspection in Scottish Non-Denominational Schools, 1972-2017 (Stephen Scholes - PhD)

Recent Doctoral Examinations

  • Foundations for Senior Leadership in Catholic Education: Sacred or Secular? (Gerard Gaskin, John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family, Melbourne, Australia)
  • Towards a New Approach for Teaching Religious Education in Catholic Schools (Anne-Marie Irwin, Notre-Dame University, Fremantle, Australia)
  • ‘School-based career guidance programmes in junior colleges in Singapore: An interpretivist study. (He Jia Wen, University of Western Australia)
  • Integral and Holistic Catechesis for Children in the Third Millennium (William O'Leary, Notre-Dame University, Fremantle, Australia)
  • Teachers’ understanding of ‘Delivering Excellence and Equity in Scottish Education: A Delivery Plan for Scotland’ in an era of continuing curricular and assessment development: Developing excellence and equity or masking incoherence and inequality? (Rhona McFarlane, University of Glasgow, EdD)
  • The Experiences that Form and Sustain Generation Y Religious Education Coordinators (Dirk Gleghorn, University of Notre Dame, Australia, Ed.D)
  • A Cosmopolitan Defence of International Education (Kirsty Fuller, University of Glasgow, Ed.D)



Leonardo has many years experience of teaching in schools and universities.  He currently teaches on a wide range of courses and is a supervisor for students on our PhD and EdD programmes.

From 2013 until 2020, Dr Franchi was the School of Education’s representative on the University’s Access to Education initiative. This involved a high level of engagement with senior school pupils who had expressed interest in Initial Teacher Education. 

Professional activities & recognition

Editorial boards

  • 2019: Review of Religious Education, Formation and Theology
  • 2017: Studia Pedagogica Ignatiana
  • 2020: Educa-International Journal of Catholic Education
  • 2020: Review of Religious Education, Formation and Theology
  • 2022: Catholic Education Globally: Challenges and Opportunites, a Springer book series
  • 2022: Education and Integral Human Development, a Catholic Education Press / Catholic University of America Press book series

Professional & learned societies

  • 2019: Council Member, Scottish Catholic Historical Association
  • 2019 - 2022: Academic Adviser, Academic Advisory Forum for the Reform of Religious Education in England and Wales
  • 2016: Executive Member, Association of Catholic Institutes of Education
  • 2015 - 2018: Executive Member, Scottish Catholic Education Service

Selected international presentations

  • 2018: Keynote: Religious Education in a Change of Era (Australian Institute of Theological Education)
  • 2017: Public Lecture:National Religious Education Conference (Pontifical University of Maynooth, Ireland)
  • 2016: Keynote: Catholic Education as Public Theology (Radboud University, Holland)
  • 2015: Public Lecture: Catholic Teacher Education: Preparing for Mission.” (St Mary's University College, Belfast)


  • Appointed as Director of Mater Christi Multi Academy Trust, Lancaster Appointed as Professor of Catholic Education (0.5 FTE), University of Notre Dame Australia (2022)

Additional information

Academic Qualifications

1986   Master of Arts  - MA (Hons)  

1991   Post Graduate Certificate in Education  - PGCE   

1998   Master of Education - MEd          

2007   Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice - PGCAP

2013   Doctor of Philosophy - PhD

Academic and Professional Body Membership

  • General Teaching Council of Scotland (since 1993)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (since 2008)
  • Executive Member, Association of Catholic Institutes of Education (since 2016)
  • Co-convenor of the Scottish Catholic Historical Association (since 2024)
  • Citywise Mentoring Ltd. (Trustee) (2014-2021)
  • Foundation Director of the Mater Christi Multi-Academy Trust in Cumbria (2021-2023)

Social Media

