Dr Catherine Fagan

  • Lecturer (Social Justice Place & Lifelong Education)

telephone: 01413303011
email: Catherine.Fagan@glasgow.ac.uk
pronouns: She/her/hers

R653 Level 6, St Andrews Building, Glasgow, G3 6NH

Import to contacts

Research interests

Research interests

Education and Work; Enterprise Education; Entrepreneurship Education, Economics Education, Citizenship Education; Vocational Education; Teacher Education (ITE & CPD); Teachers’ Professional Identity; Policy Studies in Education; Values Education.

I am Chair of the International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education (IACSEE) and editor of the Association’s International and Peer-reviewed Journal entitled Citizenship, Social and Economics Education: A International Journal.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2016 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2007 | 2006 | 2002
Number of items: 9.


Zhang, C. and Fagan, C. (2016) Examining the role of ideological and political education on university students' civic perceptions and civic participation in Mainland China: Some hints from contemporary citizenship theory. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 15(2), pp. 117-142. (doi: 10.1177/2047173416681170)

Sutherland, M. , Head, G., Fagan, C. and Masgrau, M. (2016) Teacher 2020. On the Road to Entrepreneurial Fluency in Teacher Education. European Commission. ISBN 9788484584797


Fagan, C. (2012) A sense of values: developing financial capability in Scottish school curricula. In: Lucey, T.A. and Laney, J.D. (eds.) Reframing Financial Literacy: Exploring the Value of Social Currency. Information Age: Charlotte, NC, USA, pp. 173-188. ISBN 9781617357190


Fagan, C. (2011) Education and work. In: McMahon, M., Forde, C. and Martin, M. (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Learning and Teaching. Sage: London, UK, pp. 49-59. ISBN 9781849201278


Fagan, C. (2010) Economics education within the education system in Scotland. In: Yamaoka, M., Walstad, W.B., Watts, M.W., Asano, T. and Abe, S. (eds.) Comparative Studies on Economic Education in Asia-Pacific Region. Shumpusha Publishing: Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 9784861102073

Fagan, C. (2010) Editorial. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 9(1), pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.2304/csee.2010.9.1.1)


Fagan, C. (2007) Economics knowledge, attitudes and experience of student teachers in Scotland. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 7(3), pp. 175-188. (doi: 10.2304/csee.2007.7.3.175)


Fagan, C. (2006) Three Es for teachers: economics, enterprise and entrepreneurship. Teacher Development, 10(3), pp. 275-291. (doi: 10.1080/13664530600921767)


Fagan, C. (2002) Reclaiming work: education and work in Scotland. Journal of Educational Enquiry, 3(2), pp. 53-71.

This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 21:35:31 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 9.


Zhang, C. and Fagan, C. (2016) Examining the role of ideological and political education on university students' civic perceptions and civic participation in Mainland China: Some hints from contemporary citizenship theory. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 15(2), pp. 117-142. (doi: 10.1177/2047173416681170)

Fagan, C. (2010) Editorial. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 9(1), pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.2304/csee.2010.9.1.1)

Fagan, C. (2007) Economics knowledge, attitudes and experience of student teachers in Scotland. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 7(3), pp. 175-188. (doi: 10.2304/csee.2007.7.3.175)

Fagan, C. (2006) Three Es for teachers: economics, enterprise and entrepreneurship. Teacher Development, 10(3), pp. 275-291. (doi: 10.1080/13664530600921767)

Fagan, C. (2002) Reclaiming work: education and work in Scotland. Journal of Educational Enquiry, 3(2), pp. 53-71.


Sutherland, M. , Head, G., Fagan, C. and Masgrau, M. (2016) Teacher 2020. On the Road to Entrepreneurial Fluency in Teacher Education. European Commission. ISBN 9788484584797

Book Sections

Fagan, C. (2012) A sense of values: developing financial capability in Scottish school curricula. In: Lucey, T.A. and Laney, J.D. (eds.) Reframing Financial Literacy: Exploring the Value of Social Currency. Information Age: Charlotte, NC, USA, pp. 173-188. ISBN 9781617357190

Fagan, C. (2011) Education and work. In: McMahon, M., Forde, C. and Martin, M. (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Learning and Teaching. Sage: London, UK, pp. 49-59. ISBN 9781849201278

Fagan, C. (2010) Economics education within the education system in Scotland. In: Yamaoka, M., Walstad, W.B., Watts, M.W., Asano, T. and Abe, S. (eds.) Comparative Studies on Economic Education in Asia-Pacific Region. Shumpusha Publishing: Tokyo, Japan. ISBN 9784861102073

This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 21:35:31 2025 GMT.

Additional information

International links

Invited speeches

  • Addressed Faculty of Education of Hirosaki University, Aomori Prefecture, Japan.  Title: Teacher Education in Scotland.  Invitation from Professor Takenori Inose.  October 2005.
  • Addressed academic staff of Tallinn University of Technology.  Title: Education in Scotland and Links with Estonia. Invited by Dr. Madli Krispin, Head of International Relations Office, TUT.  February 2007.

Conference organisation

2001 – 2007 - Conference Secretary of International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education (IACSEE).

  • Organised 7th International Conference of IACSEE, Tartu, Estonia in May 2007.  Title: Global Citizenship: Challenges for Social and Economics Educators
  • Organised 6th International Conference of IACSEE, Chicago, IL in July 2005.  Title: Global Citizenship: Challenges for Social and Economics Educators.
  • Organised 5th International Conference of IACSEE, Egmond-an-Zee, The Netherlands in July 2003. Title: Global Challenges: Local Solutions

Consulting and advice

Advisory Board Member: Graduate Teacher Training Registry (GTTR).

Academic and professional body membership


  • The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS)
  • The American Educational research Association (AERA)
  • The British Educational Research Association (BERA)
  • The European Educational Research Association (EERA)
  • The National Council For Economic Education (NCEE)
  • The Global Association of teachers of Economics (GATE)
  • The International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education (IACSEE)