Students arriving from Sun Yat Sen

The student exchange programme between Glasgow Dental School and the Sun Yet Sen University (SYSU) School of Stomatology (Guangzhou) has entered its third year. Xueqin Zhang, Zhenyu Xie, Xiaoyi Huang, Xiaorui Zhu, Xinyuan Lei and Wenxin Mu touched down at Glasgow Airport at 12.35pm on 22 May to begin a four week attachment in Glasgow. Six dental students from Glasgow will leave shortly for their four week visit to Guangzhou.

The first two years of the programme have been immensely successful in building the links between our schools and it has been a further privilege to host Dr Yan Zhou from SYSU on a research fellowship within our Oral Sciences Research Group over the past year. We look forward to continuing to strengthen the teaching and research links between our schools as part of the formal University of Glasgow / SYSU partnership.

First published: 23 May 2016