A ground-breaking software engineering apprenticeship uniting employers, fresh talent and the University of Glasgow
From start-ups to household names, we have partnered with some of Scotland’s most ambitious employers to offer a BSc (Hons) Software Engineering degree with a difference.
Our bespoke programme creates work-ready apprentices from an early stage. We nurture new workforce talent, providing apprentices with a unique opportunity to undertake blocks of university-based study combined with periods of work-based learning – proven to fast-track skills development.

Information for applicants
Find out more about the Software Engineering Graduate Apprenticeship Programme and check out the entry requirements.
Information for prospective employers
Find out more about the Software Engineering Graduate Apprenticeship Programme and discover our employer partner benefits.
Discover our Graduate Apprenticeship Programme
Watch the video to find out more about the Software Engineering Graduate Apprenticeships Programme.
Programme structure
Find out how our unique work-based (80%) and university-based (20%) programme structure facilitates faster learning.
Student experience
Watch our videos to find out more about being a graduate apprentice in software engineering.