Number of items: 49.
Barker, T.
Artificial creativity: a process philosophy of technology perspective.
Journal of Continental Philosophy,
(Accepted for Publication)
Barker, T.
Michel Serres and the philosophy of technology.
Theory, Culture and Society, 40(6),
pp. 35-50.
(doi: 10.1177/02632764221140825)
Barker, T.
Unplayable games: time and digital culture.
Kunsttexte, 2023(2),
Barker, T.
Media temporalities and the technical image.
In: de Vaujanay, F.-X., Holt, R. and Grandazzi, A. (eds.)
Organisation as Time: Technology, Power and Politics.
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9781009297257
Barker, T.
The transcendental and the agonistic: a media philosophy perspective.
Foundations of Science, 27(2),
pp. 521-525.
(doi: 10.1007/s10699-020-09761-2)
Barker, T. and Korolkova, M. (Eds.)
Miscommunications: Errors, Mistakes, Media.
Series: Thinking media.
Bloomsbury Academic: New York ; London.
ISBN 9781501363856
Barker, T.
Post-communication theory.
In: Barker, T. and Korolkova, M. (eds.)
Miscommunication: Mistakes, Errors, Media.
Series: Thinking media.
Bloomsbury Academic: New York ; London, pp. 46-60.
ISBN 9781501363856
Barker, T. and Korolkova, M.
Introduction: bad operators.
In: Barker, T. and Korolkova, M. (eds.)
Miscommunication: Mistakes, Errors, Media.
Series: Thinking media.
Bloomsbury Academic: New York ; London, pp. 1-22.
ISBN 9781501363856
Barker, T.
Michel Serres’ messengers.
Media Theory, 5(1),
pp. 163-184.
Barker, T.
Between emergence and emergencies: an introduction to the special issue ‘Media, Materiality, and Emergency’.
MAST: The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory, 1(2),
pp. 3-22.
Barker, T.
Special Issue: Media, Materiality and Emergency [Guest Editor].
MAST: The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory, 1(2),
Barker, T.
Media philosophy.
MAST: The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory, 1(1),
pp. 8-13.
Barker, T.
Video: aesthetics/agonism/anti-dialectics.
In: Filimowicz, M. and Tzankova, V. (eds.)
Reimagining Communication: Mediation.
Routledge, pp. 55-69.
ISBN 9781138498907
(doi: 10.4324/9781351015431-4)
Barker, T. , Bisschoff, L. and Watson, L.
Game On, Africa!
Barker, T.
Time and the problems of television: three images.
Philosophies, 4(3),
(doi: 10.3390/philosophies4030052)
Barker, T.
Cultural techniques of play: a media philosophical approach to the study of time, history and memory in games.
Configurations, 27(1),
pp. 87-110.
(doi: 10.1353/con.2019.0003)
Barker, T.
Philosophies of Time, Media and Contemporaneity [Guest Editor].
Philosophies, 4,
Barker, T.
Against Transmission: Media Philosophy and the Engineering of Time.
Bloomsbury: London.
ISBN 9781474293099
Barker, T.
Television in and out of time.
In: Hoskins, A. (ed.)
Digital Memory Studies: Media Pasts in Transition.
Routledge: New York, pp. 173-189.
ISBN 9781138639379
Barker, T.
Experiments with time: the technical image in media art and the digital humanities.
Visual Communication, 16(4),
pp. 375-394.
(doi: 10.1177/1470357217702360)
Barker, T.
Media in and out of time: German media science and the concept of time.
In: Markham, T. and Rodgers, S. (eds.)
Conditions of Mediation: Phenomenological Perspectives on Media.
Peter Lang: New York, pp. 125-134.
ISBN 9781433134708
Barker, T.
Sean Cubitt, The Practice of Light: A Genealogy of Visual Technologies from Prints to Pixels.
Screen, 58(3),
pp. 375-378.
(doi: 10.1093/screen/hjx031)[Book Review]
Barker, T. and McKeown, C.
Unearthing techno-ecology: on the possibility of a technical media philosophy of ecology.
Digital Culture and Society, 1(1),
pp. 21-38.
(doi: 10.14361/dcs-2015-0103)
Barker, T.
Media ecology in Michel Serres’ Philosophy of Communication.
Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 19(1),
pp. 50-68.
(doi: 10.5840/techne201532327)
Barker, T.
Experimental research in the digital media arts.
In: Chan, J. and Thomas, K. (eds.)
Handbook of Research on Creativity.
Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.
ISBN 9780857939807
Barker, T.
Recomposing the digital present.
In: Groom, A. (ed.)
Series: Documents of contemporary art.
Whitechapel Gallery and MIT Press: London ; Cambridge, Mass..
ISBN 9780854882151
Barker, T.S.
Becoming Organ-ized: The Creativity of Organization, Dis-Organization and Re-Organization in Scientific and Artistic Experiments.
Leonardo: Art Science and Technology, 45(3),
pp. 262-268.
(doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00369)
Barker, T.
Images and eventfulness: expanded cinema and experimental research at the University of New South Wales.
Studies in Australasian Cinema, 6(2),
pp. 111-123.
(doi: 10.1386/sac.6.2.111_1)
Barker, T.S.
Information and the atmosphere: exploring the relationship between the natural environment and information aesthetics.
M/C Journal, 15(3),
Barker, T.S.
Time and the Digital: Connecting Technology, Aesthetics, and a Process Philosophy of Time.
Series: Interfaces, studies in visual culture.
Dartmouth College Press: Hanover, NH.
ISBN 9781611682991
Barker, T.
The past in the present: understanding David Claerbout's temporal aesthetics.
Time and Society, 20(3),
pp. 286-303.
(doi: 10.1177/0961463X10375103)
Brown, N.C.M., Barker, T.S. and Del Favero, D.
Performing digital aesthetics: the framework for a theory of the formation of interactive narratives.
Leonardo: Art Science and Technology, 44(3),
pp. 212-219.
(doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00165)
Barker, T.
Aesthetics of the error: media art, the machine, the unforeseen and the errant.
In: Nunes, M. (ed.)
Error: Glitch, Noise, and Jam in New Media Cultures.
Continuum: New York, USA.
ISBN 9781441121202
Barker, T.
Experiments with time: technology, art and temporality.
In: NIEA Experimental Arts Conference, Sydney, Australia, 19-20 Aug 2011,
Barker, T.
Objects and interaction.
Digital Creativity, 22(2),
pp. 65-77.
(doi: 10.1080/14626268.2011.578579)
Barker, T.
Re-composing the digital present.
Contemporaneity: Historical Presence in Visual Culture, 1(1),
pp. 88-104.
(doi: 10.5195/contemp.2011.13)
Barker, T.
Interactive aesthetics: iCinema, interactive narratives and immersive environments.
In: 15th Biennial Conference of the Film and History Association of Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, Australia, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2010,
Barker, T. , Del Favero, D. and Hardjono, A.
Memory process and frontier technology.
In: War, Literature and the Arts Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, 16-18 Sept 2010,
Barker, T. and Hardjono, A.
T_Visionarium and scenario.
In: University of New South Wales (UNSW) International Research Week, Sydney, Australia, 5-7 Sept 2010,
Del Favero, D. and Barker, T.S.
Scenario: co-evolution, shared autonomy and mixed reality.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Seoul, South Korea, 13-16 Oct 2010,
(doi: 10.1109/ISMAR-AMH.2010.5643299)
Barker, T.
A.N. Whitehead and digital aesthetics.
In: Creative Margins Conference, Perth, Australia, 5-6 Nov 2009,
Barker, T.
Process and (mixed) reality: a process philosophy for interaction in mixed reality environments.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Orlando, FL, USA, 19-22 Oct 2009,
(doi: 10.1109/ISMAR-AMH.2009.5336731)
Barker, T.
Towards a process philosophy for digital aesthetics.
In: 15th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Belfast, UK, 23 Aug - 1 Sept 2009,
Barker, T.
Writing a media art history.
In: Writing Intersections Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 18-19 Nov 2009,
Barker, T.
The error and the event.
Vector (e-zine), X06,
Barker, T.
Adapting a model of duration: the multi-temporality of T_Visionarium II.
M/C Journal, 10(2),
Barker, T.
Error, the unforeseen and the emergent: the error in interactive media art.
M/C Journal, 10(5),
Barker, T.
The affect of deep sleep within duration: temporality, narrativity, and interactivity within the affective medium of interactive cinema.
In: Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 7-9 Dec 2006,
Barker, T.
Pentimento, past, present and future: an interactive construction of memory.
In: Rethinking the Past Conference, Sydney, Australia, 28-29 July 2006,
This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 14:45:23 2025 GMT.