Number of items: 78.
Paterson, D.
'Paris-Berlin et le monde entier': Ulrike Ottinger's points of departure.
In: McRobbie, A. (ed.)
Ulrike Ottinger: Film, Art and the Ethnographic Imagination.
Intellect: London, pp. 173-186.
ISBN 9781789389364
(In Press)
Paterson, D. , Mills, A. , Diawara, M. and Geis, T.
The Trembling Museum.
Paterson, D.
Unravelling Times: Three films by Lis Rhodes, with works by Anne-Marie Copestake, Francis McKee and Iman Tajik.
Paterson, D. and Price, E.
Paterson, D.
‘“Still Glowing”: a New York childhood around 1980, or, Ilana Halperin’s excavations.
In: McAra, C. (ed.)
Ilana Halperin: Felt Events.
Strange Attractor Press: London ; Cambridge, MA.
ISBN 9781913689346
Paterson, D.
Paterson, D., McConnell, N., Seita, S., Barokka, K. and Pearce, N.
Flesh Arranges Itself Differently.
The Hunterian & Roberts Institute of Art.
ISBN 9780904254917
Paterson, D. and McConnell, N.
Flesh Arranges Itself Differently.
Paterson, D.
Dislocations: territories, landscapes and other spaces.
Paterson, D. , Castriota, B. , Quabeck, N., Hermens, E., Heydenreich, G. and Miller, Z. (Eds.)
Special Issue: Expanding Notions of ‘Making’ for Contemporary Artworks.
Artmatters International Journal for Technical Art History.
[Edited Journal]
Paterson, D.
Jimmy Robert: Tobacco Flower.
Paterson, D.
Survey and surveil.
Fellow Traveller by Neil Clements.
The Hunterian, University of Glasgow: Glasgow.
ISBN 9780904254909
Paterson, D.
Alex Impey: -gnostic cautery.
Paterson, D.
Edinburgh Art Festival.
Burlington Contemporary,
Paterson, D.
Ilana Halperin: Minerals of New York.
Paterson, D.
'A community in motion' - approximate notes on the work of Anne-Marie Copestake [Exhibition Essay].
Paterson, D.
Possessions : Scott Myles et l’invocation-évocation artistique de l’Internationale situationniste.
Paterson, D.
Strange Foreign Bodies.
Paterson, D.
Burlington Magazine, 160(1385),
pp. 666-669.
Paterson, D.
'Artists A-Z' and 'Temporary Projects'.
In: Le Feuvre, L. (ed.)
The Generous Landscape: Ten Years of Jupiter Artland.
Jupiter Artland Foundation: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780995783010
Paterson, D.
Ten years of artist commissions.
In: Le Feuvre, L. (ed.)
The Generous Landscape: Ten Years of Jupiter Artland.
Jupiter Artland Foundation: Edinburgh, pp. 29-138.
ISBN 9780995783010
Paterson, D. and Feeley, C.
Ten years of artist projects.
In: Le Feuvre, L. (ed.)
The Generous Landscape: Ten Years of Jupiter Artland.
Jupiter Artland Foundation: Edinburgh, pp. 139-186.
ISBN 9780995783010
Paterson, D.
Points of Departure: exhibition text.
Paterson, D.
Still Moving: the films and photographs of Ulrike Ottinger.
Paterson, D.
A Synchronology: the contemporary and other times.
Paterson, D.
Weighing the work of love: on Kate Davis's re-visioned iconoclasm.
ARTis On, 1(5),
pp. 143-158.
Paterson, D.
Definitions in The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780748637027
Paterson, D.
Making up mothers: Georgina Starr's channelling of the maternal.
Performance Research, 22(4),
pp. 44-52.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2017.1374700)
Paterson, D.
Simon Starling.
Burlington Magazine, 158(1364),
Paterson, D.
Anne Hardy: twin fields.
Commentaries, 22,
Paterson, D.
Thomas Demand: daily show.
Commentaries, 23,
Paterson, D.
'Callings: the artist-as-spiritualist'.
&labels, 5,
pp. 3-10.
Paterson, D. and Myles, S.
Spiral Bound.
Meyer Riegger Gallery: Berlin.
Paterson, D.
Ruins recast: appropriated and fabricated ruins in the work of Scott Myles.
Performance Research, 20(3),
pp. 145-153.
(doi: 10.1080/13528165.2015.1049048)
Paterson, D.
Interview: Dominic Paterson talks to Georgina Starr.
MAP Magazine,
18 Mar.
Paterson, D.
A Picture Show.
Paterson, D.
Charlie Hammond.
In: Jeffrey, M. (ed.)
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Guide.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life: Edinburgh ; Glasgow, pp. 74-75.
ISBN 9781906270711
Paterson, D.
Claire Barclay.
In: Jeffrey, M. (ed.)
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Guide.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life: Edinburgh ; Glasgow, pp. 14-15.
ISBN 9781906270711
Paterson, D.
The form of my intent...
Vigdis Storsveen,
Paterson, D.
Hayley Tompkins.
In: Jeffrey, M. (ed.)
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Guide.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life: Edinburgh ; Glasgow, pp. 168-169.
ISBN 9781906270711
Paterson, D.
Lorna Macintyre.
In: Jeffrey, M. (ed.)
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Guide.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life: Edinburgh ; Glasgow, pp. 96-97.
ISBN 9781906270711
Paterson, D.
Mary Redmond.
In: Jeffrey, M. (ed.)
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Guide.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life: Edinburgh ; Glasgow, pp. 136-137.
ISBN 9781906270711
Paterson, D.
Michael Fullerton.
In: Jeffrey, M. (ed.)
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Guide.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life: Edinburgh ; Glasgow, pp. 68-69.
ISBN 9781906270711
Paterson, D.
Sara Barker.
In: Jeffrey, M. (ed.)
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Guide.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life: Edinburgh ; Glasgow, pp. 16-17.
ISBN 9781906270711
Paterson, D.
Scott Myles.
In: Jeffrey, M. (ed.)
Generation: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland: Guide.
National Galleries of Scotland and Glasgow Life: Edinburgh ; Glasgow, pp. 116-117.
ISBN 9781906270711
Paterson, D.
Mummies: exhibition text.
Paterson, D.
Denkmal, film by Kate Davis.
Paterson, D. and Dear, R.
‘Rehearsing WAR and performing memory…’.
Paterson, D. and Impey, A.
Alex Impey: in conversation with Dominic Paterson.
MAP Magazine,
Paterson, D.
Mr Sludge, 'The Medium' / Herr Schlamm >>Das Medium<<.
In: Hogarth, R. and Helbig, J. (eds.)
Die Schlampe Malerei.
D21 Kunstraum Leipzig / Thomas Verlag: Leipzig.
ISBN 9783000414916
Paterson, D.
Houses in motion...
In: Domke, G. and Myles, S. (eds.)
Scott Myles: This Production.
Dundee Contemporary Arts: Dundee, pp. 39-45.
ISBN 9780955876967
Paterson, D.
Adaptation [The Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, 12th Oct 2012 - 25th Nov 2012].
Paterson, D.
'Not Just the Perfect Moments'.
Drawing Room,
Paterson, D.
What We Have Done, What We Are About To Do [Centre for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, 18th Aug - 15th Sep 2012].
Paterson, D.
‘Container for the Contained’.
How to Turn the World by Hand,
Paterson, D. and Impey, A.
blanking (insert).
Paterson, D.
Moving poses / arresting feeling: Jimmy Robert's L'Education Sentimentale.
In: Badiou, A., Kirschner, A. and Crone, B. (eds.)
The Sensible Stage: Staging and the Moving Image.
Picture This, with Plenty Projects: Bristol, UK, pp. 109-123.
ISBN 9780955496127
Paterson, D.
'And Under That...'.
Paterson, D. and Clements, N.
Signature model (excerpt).
In: Ng, K. and Stock, M. (eds.)
What is an Art Book?
The Modern Language Experiment: London.
Paterson, D.
Bodies of Knowledge.
Christine Borland: File Note.
Camden Arts Centre.
ISBN 9781907208171
Paterson, D.
Siting Lucy Gunning's Quarry.
Picture This,
Paterson, D.
Katri Walker: North West.
North West,
Paterson, D.
Tacita Dean.
Paterson, D.
Drifting: some journeys followed.
In: Leaver-Yap, I. (ed.)
8 Metaphors (Because the Moving Image is Not a Book).
LUX: London, pp. 136-145.
ISBN 9780956794130
Paterson, D.
Slow Action, Ben Rivers.
Paterson, D.
Utopia is Elsewhere: mapping 'The Obsidian Isle'.
In: Chong-Kwan, G. (ed.)
The Obsidian Isle.
Gayle Chong-Kwan / Ricefield / Street Level Photoworks.
ISBN 978095652003
Paterson, D.
"You seem the same as always, -".
Paterson, D.
Chapter one: Martin Soto Climent.
MAP, 22,
pp. 44-49.
Paterson, D. , Barclay, C. and Barker, R.
Paterson, D.
'Which light kills you' by Mircea Cantor.
Paterson, D.
Open frequency: Anne-Marie Copestake.
Paterson, D.
'the tiniest piece of mirror is always the whole mirror', by Roni Horn.
Paterson, D.
Duchamp under the hammer: iconoclasm, vandalism and authenticity.
In: Hermens, E. and Fiske, T. (eds.)
Art, Conservation and Authenticities: Material, Concept, Context.
Archetype, pp. 183-189.
ISBN 9781904982517
Paterson, D.
Nearly Nothing.
Viewfinder Gallery, London: London.
Paterson, D.
Escapism and masculinity: Harry Houdini and Matthew Barney’s Cremaster Cycle.
Edinburgh Review(116),
Paterson, D.
Everything in its right place: Foucault and the ‘Ideology of the Aesthetic’.
Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics, 1(3),
pp. 111-123.
Paterson, D.
Christine Borland: To Be Set and Sown in the Garden.
Paterson, D. , Hooker, R. and Stirton, P.
Bourdieu and the art historians.
In: Fowler, B. (ed.)
Reading Bourdieu on Society and Culture.
Series: Sociological review monographs.
Blackwells / The Sociological Review: Oxford, pp. 212-228.
ISBN 9780631221869
This list was generated on Fri Feb 14 20:21:56 2025 GMT.