In an astonishing coincidence, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s speech announcing moves towards a second independence referendum coincided precisely with an RSE-funded workshop organised by CCPR on the national press, civil society and constitutional identity in Scotland.

Held on the morning of 13 March, the intense but highly civil discussion about Scotland’s 2014 independence referendum went on hold for participants to watch Ms Sturgeon’s announcement.

Leading journalists present had earlier cut short their participation to cover the speech, while editors and commentators remaining went onto social media and fielded frantic phone calls.

Workshop chairs Dr Alex Benchimol and Professor Philip Schlesinger said: ‘We knew the timing was right. But dramatic coincidences such as this are a one-off. All present will remember where they were on what may prove to be an historic day.’

Aside from key members of the Scottish commentariat, the workshop was attended by prominent sociologists, historians, mediologists and a theologian.

Programme - 2014: The National Press, Civil Society and Constitutional Identity


First published: 14 March 2017