The Centre’s AHRC-funded research on ‘Music and Dance: Beyond Copyright Text?’ concluded with an end of project seminar on 6 September. The two-year study was based on collaboration between CCPR’s Director, Professor Philip Schlesinger and Professor Charlotte Waelde, Head of the Law School at the University of Exeter.

The seminar – which focused on the relationship between the copyright regime and precarious cultural production - brought together performers, academics and policy makers. At this thoroughly interdisciplinary event academic speakers ranged across law, sociology and performance, with figures from dance and music counterpointing the analysis with their own experiences.  Please click the links below for the programme and the list of participants.

Music and Dance Beyond Copyright Text Programme.pdf

Music & Dance Beyond Copyright Text Participants.pdf

The seminar was recorded. It will be available online for all to see in the near future, along with the project’s archive, which will include the short documentary produced by Charlotte and Philip, Performers on the edge.

First published: 9 September 2011