Introducing Dr Michael Kohl

Published: 24 January 2020

Dr Michael Kohl, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology

Introducing Dr Michael Kohl


I received a B.Sc in Neuroscience from University College London in 2005. I then joined the Wellcome Trust Oxford Ion Channel Initiative for a D.Phil working with Dimitri Kullmann at the ION in London and Mark Sansom & Ole Paulsen in Oxford. I carried out postdoctoral studies at the University of Cambridge and Stanford University 2010-2011 and the University of California, Berkeley 2012-2013. I returned to Oxford as an Early Career Research Fellow in 2013 and became a University Research Lecturer in 2018. More recently, I joined the INP as a Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience.

Research Programme

My group tries to unravel the neural coding strategies employed in the representation of sensory stimuli and memory storage. We combine electrophysiological recordings with single- and multi-photon imaging and stimulation to monitor and manipulate complex neuronal activity during behaviour in mice.

Our current work focuses on how neural activity in primary sensory cortices integrates with activity in a higher order cortex, such as the retrosplenial cortex. We combine theoretical studies to make quantitative predictions about population codes and their information content to help us guide experiments. We also continue to develop novel experimental tools and analysis approaches.

Life outside of the lab

I love hiking and so look forward to the great Scottish outdoors.


First published: 24 January 2020