What's it like to live and work with an invisible disability? Our poster campaign revisited

Published: 20 October 2020

To mark Invisible Disabilities Week, which falls in October, we revisit IHW's March 2020 poster campaign, which saw staff and students talk about the experience of managing an unseen condition or disability alongside working life

To mark Invisible Disabilities Week, which falls in October, we revisit IHW's invisible disabilities poster campaign, which saw staff and students talk about the experience of living and working with an unseen health condition or disability, and what we can all do to reduce the disabling impact for affected colleagues. 

Please take a few minutes to view these six posters (put together earlier this year and based on the content of an awareness-raising event hosted by IHW in May 2018) and read what colleagues have told us about managing an invisible disability while working or studying. 

To find out more and access sources of support, please visit our invisible disabilities webpage.  

Type 1 diabetes

Invisible disabilities poster on the theme of type 1 diabetes


Poster about fibromyalgia

Hearing loss

hearing loss poster

Inflammatory bowel disease

inflammatory bowel disease poster


narcolepsy poster

Social anxiety

social anxiety disorder poster

If you are a student or staff member in Institute of Health and Wellbeing and would like to speak to someone in confidence about a health condition or disability, please contact Kate O'Donnell, Cindy Gray or Asha Costigan.

Alternatively, you will find information on the University of Glasgow website about relevant sources of support for staff and sources of support for students

First published: 20 October 2020