This project looks at the 15 place-based UNESCO designations in Scotland and tries to form creative responses to them, in an effort to increase understanding of these places (and other UNESCO sites around the world) and of their significance in both past and present, through artistic means, place-based learning and discussions with those who live and work on and near those sites.

These responses sit alongside and complements the world’s first UNESCO Trail, developed through a unique partnership between VisitScotland, the Scottish Government, the UK National Commission for UNESCO, Historic Environment Scotland, NatureScot, the National Trust for Scotland and Scotland’s then 13 place-based UNESCO designations, launched in October 2021.

The initiative also informs the Sites Unseen project, led by UNESCO RILA, which works to create 14 digital learning packs for use in schools and community education settings and which explore Scotland’s cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as help learners develop a more nuanced and reflective understanding of the place they live in.

The work on the UNESCO RILA Arts Trail is led by Tawona Ganyamatope Sitholé and Bella Hoogeveen.