17-07-31: Remote: A Documentary about Drones and Humans

Published: 31 July 2017

Prof Alison Phipps features in "Remote", a documentary by Dr Ian Shaw of University of Glasgow about drone warfare, the future of policing, the role of autonomous AI, and what it all means for humanity.

This 33-minute documentary covers a lot of ground: from the history of air power, to signature strikes, miniaturized swarming, the future of policing, the role of autonomous AI, and what it all means for humanity.

The aim of this piece is to situate drones within a deeper (philosophical) consideration about the human condition. For this reason, the title of the documentary "Remote" plays on the the ideas of remote violence but also a remote society. 

The documentary draws from 2016 book, Predator Empire: Drone Warfare and Full Spectrum Dominance, published by the University of Minnesota Press: upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/predator-empire

Watch Remote: A Documentary about Drones and Humans here: https://vimeo.com/222209662 

Remote: A Documentary about Drones and Humans

First published: 31 July 2017