Artist's Statement

I graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 2007 as a Jewellery designer and I am currently studying for a MLitt in the decorative arts at The University of Glasgow.  I am influenced by industrial landscapes, mechanical objects and colour.  There is a little bit of beauty in everything and I like to seek it out.  The drawings, collages and prints I produce feed into my jewellery designs but also stand up as a portfolio of drawings in their own right.

The range of work on show comes from various days out sketching in museums, the Museum of Transport in Glasgow and the Museum of Flight just outside Edinburgh are particular favourites.  The colours and shapes of the cars, planes, buses and trams fit in well into my quick sketches and mono-prints as they catch the character of the environment leaving room to develop the images in my studio at a later date.  The Museum of Transport fits in particularly well with this Kelvingrove Review as I feel it highlights the imminent move to the new Riverside premises.

--Fiona Walker, March 2010.