Sample Submission

To submit samples for dating, please complete our C-14 Spreadsheet.

Minimum sample sizes are given below, see also the costs for analysis. If you have any further questions, please contact the laboratory.

Notes on the spreadsheet:

  1. Enter one sample per line.
  2. Ensure sample identifiers match those on the sample labels.
  3. Billing Details for companies, universities, councils, etc.
    1. Invoice To: name of the organisation responsible for payment.
    2. Billing Address: for universities, councils and larger companies, this should be your finance department.
    3. Purchase Order No: if your organisation uses a PO system, this must be completed, otherwise leave blank.
    4. VAT No: EU companies outside the UK should enter their tax number here to pay VAT in their home country.

Send the completed spreadsheet to
and include a printed copy with the samples.

After completing and sending the spreadsheet, samples, clearly labelled with a unique sample identifier code, should be properly packaged and sent to:

SUERC Radiocarbon Laboratory
Rankine Avenue
East Kilbride
G75 0QF

To reduce our carbon footprint, it is preferred that submitters no longer send samples in plastic containers.

Sample Sizes

The following table shows the recommended sample sizes for analysis. Submitters with samples slightly below the minimum should contact the laboratory for advice.

  Recommended SizeMinimum Size
Charcoal 50 mg 10 mg
Wood 50 mg 10 mg
Shell 100 mg 25 mg
Peat 5 g 1 g
Bone/Antler 5 g 1 g
Cremated Bone 5 g 1 g
Soil/Silt/Sediment 5 g 1 g
Sizes given are before any pretreatment