Message from Archbishop Tartaglia
The passage below is taken from Archbishop Philip Tartaglia's homily at the Choral Mass in the University Chapel on February 3, 2013. The full text of the homily can be found here.Choral Mass homily
This University was born ex corde ecclesiae, from the very heart of the Church, in the shadow of the old Cathedral, and its motto to this day bears witness to that ecclesial dimension and relationship. Those words we find emblazoned on everything from degree scrolls to napkins are, in themselves, a sermon for every student and faculty member who happens to read them, day in, day out.
Via – Christ is our way, our model, our example in life.
Veritas – Christ is our truth, our guiding principle, our goal and point of reference
Vita – Christ is our life, our recipe for true human fulfilment in this life and the next. It is He who said: “I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.” (cf John 10:10)