Solar magnetic field modelling

Solar activity is dominated by the Sun’s magnetic field. This ranges from the large-scale magnetic field of the solar dynamo to active regions in the solar atmosphere that can lead to flares and coronal mass ejections – the most violent eruptions in the solar system. Modelling the Sun’s magnetic field at these different scales, including the connection between the scales, is vital for understanding solar activity. 

Our approach

We are developing computational models of solar magnetic fields together with novel mathematical techniques to understand their complexity. For example, one important property of the Sun’s magnetic field, that is vital for the formation of eruptions, is magnetic topology. This is a measure of the connectivity of the magnetic field which can be used to analyse both complex simulations and observations. The techniques we develop are being used to answer theoretical questions, such as how solar eruptions form, and practical questions, such as can we predict when eruptions occur.  

Why is the research important?

Mathematical modelling is fundamental to our understanding of space plasma physics. It provides not only new theoretical insight but also novel ideas to approach the practical issues of space weather prediction.