We aim to develop greater visibility of Scotland's food research and innovation capacity by showcasing best practices, know-how, and expertise. Leveraging additional funding into the Scottish research system and supporting the development of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in Scotland will help us to deliver on our Alliance vision.

Research and collaboration
We support high-quality collaborations to kickstart new projects, by connecting members and facilitating participation in teams answering relevant funding calls. Our ongoing horizon-scanning activities aim to identify emerging funding opportunities - these are shared in our Slack Member Zone and through our newsletters.
We support members by:
- Mapping research priorities, gaps and opportunities for collaborative projects
- Holding open conversations with funding bodies to facilitate information sessions
- Connecting members with a diverse range of food systems stakeholders
- Supporting members with evidence and resources for bid preparation
- Holding writing retreats and sandpits linked to specific funding calls
Please contact us at scaf@glasgow.ac.uk if you have any queries or wish to discuss funding opportunities.

Opportunities within SCAF
SCAF is exploring ways to engage its membership - all opportunities are shared via our Slack member zone, and via our newsletters.
The ECR focus group will bring together SCAF early career researchers and professionals to co-develop future SCAF activities and events. Please use this form to register interest.
SCAF is hosting a webinar every 6 weeks. Each webinar features 2 speakers, and a group discussion. We are calling for nominations and self-nominations for the series, from members across sectors and disciplines.

Support for Early Careers
We support the development of Early Career Researchers (ECRs; including students, junior research professionals, postdoctoral researchers, early career technical staff, new lecturers). Building connections between ECRs and other research stakeholders fosters a diverse and vibrant research community and ensure that ECRs are connected to the broader food system landscape, facilitating their retention and progression in the field and contributing toward job security.
We support ECRs by:
- Organising researcher development skills workshops
- Connecting researchers with food systems stakeholders
- Fostering the development of ECRs as emerging leaders in the field
- Holding webinars and events focused on fellowship opportunities
- Matching ECRs planning to write fellowship applications with potential hosts and mentors
- Providing travel support to facilitate attendance at SCAF events
- Offering awards & prizes for contributions to SCAF
We welcome new members!
If you are interested in contributing to SCAF activities, please join our mailing list and Slack group to find out more about how you can get involved.