Paper published in Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space

Published: 14 September 2021

A paper written by Franziska Paul and Andrew Cumbers has been published in the journal Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. The paper is titled: "The return of the local state? Failing neoliberalism, remunicipalisation, and the role of the state in advanced capitalism".

A paper written by Franziska Paul and Andrew Cumbers has been published in the journal Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. The paper is titled: "The return of the local state? Failing neoliberalism, remunicipalisation, and the role of the state in advanced capitalism". The paper is part of a special issue on 'Making space for the new state capitalism' edited by Ilias Alami, Adam Dixon, Heather Whiteside and Jamie Peck. 

First published: 14 September 2021