Contact us

Contact us

Our job is to facilitate connectivity and activity across the breadth of the University of Glasgow's portfolio of work with developing country partners. We can help you in several ways, whether you are new to the university, new to this kind of work, someone with lots of experience in this area, or someone from outside the university hoping to connect with our researchers and teachers.

University of Glasgow Staff or Student?

  • We can help you identify people from other disciplines that might be linked to the kind of work you do/would like to do (e-mail to set up a meeting).
  • We can keep you informed about upcoming funding calls, including those only available to those at UofG (e-mail and ask to be added to our mailing list)
  • We can promote your work on our website and X feed (e-mail to discuss)
  • We can support grant application development, particularly with respect to input on ODA Compliance Statements, Gender and Equality Statements and demonstrating that proposals are collaboratively developed. E-mail to discuss


Not Employed or Enrolled at the University of Glasgow?

  • We advertise events throughout the academic year that are open to everyone (e-mail  to be added to our mailing list)
  • We can help you identfiy potential collaborators within the university if you are looking for academic partners for a project (please e-mail to discuss early in the application process)


For any other questions about the Glasgow Centre for International Development please contact:

Mary Ryan
International Development Research Manager


Professor Daniel Haydon
Centre Director