Computing Education in the Digital Humanities

Doing Digital Humanities (DH) is not a question of merely applying computational tools and methods to humanities problems, but of blending the theories and epistemologies of different domains; DH looks to enact a (currently vaguely defined) paradigm of computing that aligns with the core tenets of humanistic inquiry.

Because of the (somewhat) fledgling nature of the field, DH computing pedagogy is frequently calqued from CS and simplified to focus on tools. This approach is at odds with the abstract and procedural understanding needed to create foundationally humanistic modes of computing.

This work first looks to figure out what exactly humanistic computing means and looks like. It ultimately aims to develop a pedagogical framework, curriculum, and tools tailored to its instruction. Central to the first goal is the examination of the nature of epistemological friction between domains, and the latter is anchored, at least in part, in the development of procedural literacy.

Though distinct, this work is not unrelated to Critically Conscious Computing Education.