The CLMC programme is now closed for applications.
Please refer to the new CLMCE Programme website for future opportunities.
The Programme
CLMC addresses the relationship between children’s and young adult’s texts and media, and how this relationship is interpreted, understood and responded to within different educational, social and cultural frameworks. This is especially important now and in the future, as texts and media have an impact not only on cognitive development but also on social inclusion and cohesion as well as on industry expansion.
Children’s and young adult (YA) literature and media has become a global business (that includes toys, video-games, apps and other development of technology), tightly interwoven with a broad range of cultural activities, and reaching readers through a variety of new channels. In the light of new technologies, innovative analytical models are required for both studying these texts and for identifying the literacy skills needed to make sense of them. At the same time, texts and media are reflecting greater linguistic and cultural diversity. Therefore, we need a new ‘repertoire’ of literacy and cultural skills, such as language awareness, intercultural communication and visual understanding, to deal with these emerging text and media types.
The holistic study of children’s literature, childhood culture and media can provide the platform for examining the evolution of texts and developing these new repertoires of skills. The integration of theoretical and empirical approaches throughout the programme will allow graduates to create innovative strategies for promoting reading, improving literary competence and incorporating media and digital technology in learning and teaching. The communication and cooperation skills developed in CLMC, together with the understanding of the global, as well as the local contexts, will allow students to move towards positions of leadership in institutions and organizations that seek to shape education and in particular, the development of specific literacies (print, media, digital) that are relevant to 21st century children and young adults.
Please note that the CLMC Consortium is currently co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree programme (EMJMD) until 2024. This funding has provided CLMC with the capacity to award scholarships over 4 cohorts with the final cohort of students beginning studies in September 2022*. In addition the programme ran for a final year on a self-funded basis with the cohort of students beginning studies in September 2023.
*Cohort 1: 2019-2021; Cohort 2: 2020-2022; Cohort 3: 2021-2023; Cohort 4: 2022-2024.
For future opportunities, please visit the CLMCE website. Applications for 2024-2026 entry are open and information about the programme, Entry and English Language requirements, application guidance and required documents, and deadlines can be found on the CLMCE website: https://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/erasmusmundus/clmce/howtoapply/.