Addressing specific gaps in knowledge in how to manage multimorbidity among people who have been admitted to hospital with alcohol related problems. A multi-met


Prof Alexander Baldacchino, Population and Behavioural Sciences Division, Medical School (University of St Andrews)

Prof Frances Quirk, Population and Behavioural Sciences Division, Medical School (University of St Andrews)

Prof Peter D Donnelly, Population and Behavioural Sciences Division, Medical School (University of St Andrews)

Joe Tay, Population and Behavioural Sciences Division, Medical School (University of St Andrews)


Using multi method system approach this project, we will explore in depth not only the different clusters of multimorbidity in populations with excessive alcohol use consumption but also determine the current and ideal care needs of same populations. This PhD project will carry out a series of macro, meso and micro system-oriented processes based around realistic medicine concepts to unravel the complex system that might not be set up to look at multimorbidity and associated excessive alcohol consumption.

We anticipate that the results of this research will be of broad interest to the public, policy and clinical fields. A better understanding of the burden of chronic conditions and multimorbidity in this vulnerable population and how this could impact on alcohol related deaths will contribute to identifying effective interventions and allocation of resources.