Michael Quinn


ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0009-0008-2896-4334

Research title: What are the pedagogical possibilities of engaging with speculative fiction to teach philosophical concepts?

Research Summary

I make the case that there are situations when speculative fiction, a mode particularly interested in philosophical conundrums in its “thought experiments”, can offer alternative, and perhaps more effective, methods of teaching foundational and complex philosophical concepts when compared with traditional philosophical discourse. Speculative fiction and film (fantasy and neo-noir) and traditional philosophical discourse “do” philosophy but in radically different ways. Choosing major philosophical preoccupations, knowledge & doubt, epistemology of memory and morality, which are also central concerns of representative examples of speculative fiction and film, I evaluate the various pedagogical methods and results produced by these contrasting modes.


Nisbet Scholarship


Workshop 'AI in Education: Ethical and Epistemic Perspectives' - Eindhoven University of Technology

Additional Information

Member of MAP (Minorities in Philosophy)

Member of Education, Philosophy and Culture