Image of the logo for the Royal Society of EdinburghUniversity of Glasgow sign outside front entrance

Academics from disciplines across the University of Glasgow have been announced as new Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE).

Experts from all four of the University's Colleges are among the 62 RSE Fellows for 2019. They are:

  • Professor Dave Adams, Chair in Chemistry, School of Chemistry, College of Science and Engineering.
  • Professor James Chalmers, Regius Professor of Law, School of Law, College of Social Sciences.
  • Professor Shireen Davies, Professor of Integrative Cell Signalling, Institute of Molecular Cell & Systems Biology, College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences.
  • Professor Iain Docherty, Professor of Public Policy and Governance, Adam Smith Business School, College of Social Sciences.
  • Professor Jane Duckett FBA, Edward Caird Chair of Politics and Director of the Scottish Centre for China Research, School of Social & Political Sciences, College of Social Sciences.
  • Professor Robert Hugh Hadfield, Professor of Photonics, School of Engineering, College of Science and Engineering.
  • Professor Chris Johnson, Professor of Computing Science and Head of Computing Science, School of Computing Science, College of Science and Engineering.
  • Professor Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez, Chair of Biomedical Engineering and Head of Division of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering, College of Science and Engineering.
  • Professor Alex Shepard, Professor of Gender History, School of Humanities | Sgoil nan Daonnachdan, College of Arts.

Also honoured is Ken Sutherland, President of Canon Medical Research Europe and a member of the University of Glagow Court.

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, said: “I am delighted to see our staff and colleagues named among the new 2019 Fellows welcomed today by the Royal Society of Edinburgh. All of them represent excellence and outstanding achievement in their fields and their Fellowships are richly deserved. On behalf of the whole University I offer our warmest congratulations and wish each of them continued success in their new roles as RSE Fellows.”

In total the RSE, Scotland’s National Academy, announced the addition of 56 new Fellows alongside two Honorary Fellows and four Corresponding Fellows from the worlds of business, science, creative arts, health, technology, law, public engagement and international development.

They join an existing Fellowship of over 1600 individuals who give their time and expertise for free to support the RSE in delivering its mission of ‘knowledge made useful’.

Commenting on the new fellows, President of the RSE, Professor Dame Anne Glover, said: “The calibre of our Fellows never ceases to amaze me and this year is no different. For such a small country we surpass ourselves with the talent and expertise that exists across our academic, cultural and business landscape. All of our Fellows are assets, not just to the RSE but to Scotland and the rest of the world, and I look forward to welcoming and working with them”.

Two Honorary Fellows have also been appointed in this new intake and four Corresponding Fellows have also been appointed. These are those who have attained high international standing in any subject within the Society’s disciplinary domains and are not normally resident in the UK. The RSE also welcomed seven current and former members Young Academy of Scotland (YAS) which is made up of over 120 young professionals and academics. Members do not automatically become Fellows.

The new Fellows will be inducted in May 2019. More information on the current membership and the work of the RSE can be found at

The RSE is an educational charity, registered in Scotland, operating on a wholly independent and non-party-political basis and providing public benefit throughout Scotland.

It was established in 1783 and since then has drawn upon the considerable strengths and varied expertise of its Fellows, of whom there are currently around 1600, based in Scotland, the rest of the UK and beyond.

Full list of all new Fellows appointed in 2019

Honorary Fellows

Johannes (Hans) Carolus Clevers
Professor of Molecular Genetics, Hubrecht Institute.

Donald Cameron Runnicles OBE
Generalmusikdirektor, Deutsche Oper Berlin.

Corresponding Fellows 

Swapan Chattopadhyay
Distinguished Scientist, Fermilab; President's Professor of Research, Scholarship and Artistry and Director of Accelerator Research, Northern Illinois University; Visiting Professor, University of Oxford and University of California at Berkeley.

Peter David Currie
Director, Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, Monash University.

Mario Herrero
Chief Research Scientist, Agriculture and Food, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

Lesley Jane Smith
Solicitor and Partner, Weber Steinhaus & Smith; Professor of Law, Leuphana University Luneburg.


Ian David Abrahams
NM Rothschild and Sons Professor of Mathematics, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences; Director, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Dave John Adams
Professor of Chemistry, University of Glasgow.

Alastair Kenneth St.Clair Ager
Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for International Development; Professor of Population and Family Health, Columbia University; Director, Institute of Global Health and Development, Queen Margaret University.

Geoffrey John Barton
Professor of Bioinformatics and Head of the Division of Computational Biology, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee

Linda Caroline Bauld
Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health, University of Edinburgh; CRUK/BUPA Chair in Behavioural Research for Cancer Prevention, Cancer Research UK

Christine Bell FBA
Professor of Constitutional Law and Assistant Principal (Global Justice), University of Edinburgh.

Luke Alexander Bisby
Professor of Fire and Structures, University of Edinburgh.

Jenny Brown
Literary Agent, Jenny Brown Associates

Dame Susan Margaret Bruce DBE DL
Electoral Commissioner, Scotland, Electoral Commission; Convener of Court, The University of Strathclyde; Chair, The Royal Scottish National Orchestra; Trustee, The Prince’s Foundation; Non Executive Director, SSE Plc.

Elise Cartmell
Chief Scientist, Scottish Water.

James Peter Chalmers
Regius Professor of Law, University of Glasgow

Hermione Cockburn
Scientific Director, Dynamic Earth

Mark Cousins
Filmmaker, writer, historian and curator.

Victoria Haigh Cowling
Principal Investigator, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee; Deputy Director of Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression, University of Dundee.

Shireen Anne Davies
Professor of Integrative Cell Signalling, University of Glasgow.

Lorna Dawson CBE
Principal Scientific Officer, Head of Soil Forensic Science Group, The James Hutton Institute and SEFARI Advisor

Iain Wilson Docherty
Professor of Public Policy and Governance, University of Glasgow.

Jane Duckett FBA
Edward Caird Chair of Politics and Director of the Scottish Centre for China Research, University of Glasgow

David Robert Fitzpatrick
Professor and Group Leader, MRC Human Genetics Unit, University of Edinburgh.

Elizabeth Grant
Assistant Principal, Professor of Global Health and Development and Director of the Global Health Academy, University of Edinburgh.

Thomas William Greggs
Marischal Professor of Divinity and Head of Divinity, University of Aberdeen.

Robert Hugh Hadfield
Professor of Photonics, University of Glasgow.

James Harris
Professor of the History of Philosophy, University of St Andrews; Head of Philosophy, University of St Andrews.

Peter Michael Hollingsworth
Director of Science, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.

Christopher Johnson
Professor of Computing Science and Head of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.

Mirella Lapata
Personal Chair in Natural Language Processing, University of Edinburgh.

Stephen Lawrie
Head of Psychiatry & Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroimaging, University of Edinburgh.

Karl Leydecker
Vice-Principal Learning and Teaching, University of Dundee.
[moving to University of Aberdeen 1 March as Senior Vice-Principal]

Paul Little
Principal and Chief Executive Officer, City of Glasgow College.

Philip Reginald Long
Director, V&A Dundee.

John McAslan CBE
Executive Chairman, John McAslan and Partners; Chairman, Dunoon Burgh Hall Trust.

Gail McConnell
Professor of Biophotonics, University of Strathclyde.

Eric John Logan McInnes
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Manchester.

Sally Louise Mapstone
Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of St Andrews.

John Frederick Henry Nicholls
Chief Commercial Officer, M Squared Lasers Ltd.

Peter William Nienow
Professor of Glaciology, University of Edinburgh.

Dónal O'Carroll
Professor of Stem Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh.

Silvia Paracchini
Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of St Andrews.

David Jonathan Price
Professor of Developmental Neurobiology, University of Edinburgh.

Stephen Redpath
Professor of Conservation Science, University of Aberdeen

Sarah Reece
Chair of Evolutionary Parasitology, University of Edinburgh.

Graeme Thomas Reid
Professor of Science and Research Policy, University College London

Stuart Reid
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Strathclyde.

Richard Rose FBA
Professor and Director, Centre for the Study of Public Policy, University of Strathclyde; Visiting Professor, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin; Visiting Fellow, European University Institute Florence

Kathryn (Kate) Rudy
Professor of Art History, University of St Andrews.

Elizabeth Jane Ryder OBE
Chair, Historic Environment Scotland.

Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez
Chair of Biomedical Engineering and Head of Division of Biomedical Engineering, University of Glasgow.

Philippa Tansy Kemp Saunders
Professor of Reproductive Steroids, University of Edinburgh; Registrar, Academy of Medical Sciences.

Alexandra Shepard
Professor of Gender History, University of Glasgow.

Jan Skakle
Professor of Physics, University of Aberdeen.

Kenneth Gavin Neil Sutherland
President, Canon Medical Research Europe Ltd.

Camilla Toulmin
Senior Associate, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED); Professor, Lancaster University; Visiting Research Associate, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford

Deepak Gulabrai Uttamchandani
Professor of Microsystems Engineering, University of Strathclyde.

Stephen John Wigmore
Professor of Transplantation Surgery and Honorary Consultant Surgeon, University of Edinburgh.

Lena Cooper Wilson CBE
Non Executive Director, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc; Non Executive Director, Scottish Power Renewables; Non Executive Director, Intertek plc; Visiting Professor, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde.

The Right Honourable James Wolffe QC
Lord Advocate

First published: 1 March 2019

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