One of Scotland’s best known entrepreneurs is to be awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Glasgow.

Charan Gill, who was once known as the Curry King of Glasgow after building up a chain of restaurants in the city, will receive an honorary Doctor of the University degree in recognition of the contribution he has made to Glasgow.

Punjab-born Charan came to the city with his family in 1963 and worked in the Yarrow’s shipbuilders yard before taking a job as a waiter in a restaurant. He then bought a share in the business in 1983 before acquiring it a year later.

Charan then started acquiring restaurants and had a chain of 17 before selling them in 2005 for £17 million to move into other projects including property development and investment. He has even tried his hand at stand-up comedy. Entrepreneur Charan Gill

Graham Caie, Clerk of Senate and Vice Principal of the University of Glasgow, said: “The University of Glasgow is delighted to recognise Charan for his contribution to the city. He reinforces the positive contribution that ethnic minorities have made to Glasgow’s economy.”

The University is also conferring honorary Doctor of the University degrees on Professor Sir Drummond Bone, Derek Boyd, Donalda McComb, Joy Travers and Dr Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye.

Sir Drummond, a Glasgow graduate and former Vice-Principal of the University, is one of Britain’s leading experts on Lord Byron’s works and receives an honorary doctorate in recognition of his contribution to higher education.

Derek Boyd is the chief executive of the trade body for the UK semiconductor industry, the National Microelectronics Institute, and under his leadership it has grown into an influential organisation actively engaging in developing UK Government policy. Mr Boyd will receive his degree in recognition of his contribution to engineering.

Educator Donalda McComb is the first head teacher of the pioneering Glasgow Gaelic School. She is one of the most senior and respected practitioners in Gaelic-medium education in Scotland and receives an honorary doctorate in recognition of her contribution to the language and education.

Joy Travers was Convenor of the Court of the University of Glasgow, an unpaid role, for 13 years and held the position of Chancellor’s Assessor for seven of those years.

She has led the appointment of two Principals and receives her award in recognition of the contribution and services she has made to the University.

Dr Ashafa and Pastor Wuye are religious leaders in Kaduna, Nigeria, and work as Joint Executive Co-ordinators of the Interfaith Mediation Centre, Muslim-Christian Dialogue Forum. They work together to teach warring religious youth militias how to resolve their conflicts peacefully and are being awarded honorary doctorates in recognition of their contribution to interfaith development.

The degrees will be awarded at ceremonies in the Bute Hall at the University of Glasgow in June and July 2010.

For more information contact Nicolas White in the University of Glasgow Media Relations Office on 0141 330 3535 or email

First published: 4 May 2010

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